Life Isn’t About What We Get, but What We Can Give.

I noticed pretty early on that the COVID-19 virus did not have a large impact on the way I lived my life.
I meditate as soon as I wake up pretty much every morning. I use affirmational prayer as often as I need to throughout the day. I exercise. I take time to be creative. I do what is mine to do. This has been my life for the last 10 years, and the virus hasn’t changed that.
The circumstances have changed, but they are always changing. Some may say this is worse than most circumstances, but those with cancer, battling addiction, have any life-threatening disease or have lost a child may disagree.
When we see our lives as the development of our response to circumstances, rather than an avoidance of certain ones, we see how important our spiritual practice is no matter what circumstances we are navigating.
In every moment, no matter what is going on, we have the ability to rise into the person we came here to be. Once a person realizes that life isn’t about what we can get, but what we can give, then the whole point becomes what we can do to develop and give our unique gifts to the world (we all have gifts!) and then every circumstance becomes just another opportunity to give the gifts we came here to give.
Those on the front lines of this pandemic, especially healthcare workers, know better than anyone else what I’m saying. If you are one of them, Thank You and Congratulations because you are giving the gifts you came here to give. If you are not a healthcare worker, then your gifts are in a different realm and your spiritual practice will bring it out in you.
Even if you have COVID-19, you have a gift to give. That gift is to let others serve you, so they can express their gifts and everyone is blessed as you are healed.
It is only when we feel lack — whether that be the idea that we are not enough, or that we don’t have enough — and limit the Higher Power, God, Spirit, Allah, the One or whatever name you give to the the energy and intelligence of all of Life that is in us, moves through us and surrounds us, that we miss the good that is always present.
It’s impossible to give without receiving when we give from a knowing that it is ours to do.
We have an amazing opportunity here. No matter where you are with your spiritual practice, this is the time to ramp it up. The power of our intentional practice can impact everything.
Dr. Masaru Emoto tells this story on his Facebook page, “In the early morning of July 25th in 1999, 340 people were gathered for a water ceremony at Lake Biwa, the biggest lake of Japan. At that time, Lake Biwa was so polluted that horrid odors were emitting from the lake. A few days after we went there to offer prayers, the local newspaper reported that suddenly there was no longer bad odors emitting from Lake Biwa.”
How deep is your spiritual practice ingrained in your daily activities? This is where the true power of all our lives exists. This is where the earth and all living beings can be healed.
Rev. Cliff Rubin is the Senior Minister at Spiritworks Center for Spiritual Living in Burbank, CA. He is also the grateful husband of Ashley Fuller Rubin and father of Isaac Rubin. After achieving a BS in Filmmaking from the Los Angeles Film School, he has put together a troupe of amazing congregants to inspire through film, to creatively do what Mahatma Gandhi so eloquently stated, “Be the change you wish to see.”