9 Ways to Celebrate Your Genius Without Apology Every Moment.

If you want to elevate your frequency and align with your highest self, you must first destroy everything standing between you and your divinity.
Honoring your soul’s unparalleled purpose requires you to walk your path with fierce devotion and a level of honesty you’ve never known before.
- Be willing to annihilate your reputation. Societal pressures strip you of your supernatural powers and assign you a fictitious role to play during your time on earth. Those who deviate from the script are labeled defiant and incompetent. Your character was designed for show, to program you into believing your value is based on someone else’s opinion of your performance. Disappointing others will undoubtedly ensue the moment you remove the costume you’ve been told to wear and bask in the nakedness of your true essence. Take off the mask and reclaim your natural-born gifts.
- Listen to your intuition. When you drown out the nonsense and noise from external sources, you tap into a reservoir of ancient wisdom residing deep within you. This otherworldly intelligence contains answers to your questions and provides you with significant information unique to your journey. Relinquish outdated belief systems and learn to trust yourself unconditionally. Your inexhaustible instinct will guide you home should you ever you lose your way.
- Protect your solitude. Regardless of the nourishment you receive from soul connection with others, a healthy relationship with yourself is key to transcending worldly prestige and dogmatic influence. You are a bona fide warrior equipped with tools to blaze your own trail. Pour every ounce of energy into your destiny and safeguard your autonomy as if your life depends on it, because it does.
- Heal your wounds. If you want to experience ascension of consciousness, free yourself from past trauma and cultural conditioning. Your pain shows up in life to deliver profound messages sent from beyond. Sit with your discomfort and listen to the secrets it contains. Until you understand the anguish and sorrow you’ve been avoiding, you will remain disconnected from Source and unintentionally project your fear onto others. Heal yourself from deep-seated injury so you can lead with love and prevail in a state of serenity.
- Release what no longer serves you. Anything and everything keeping you small must be abandoned. Shame, self-doubt, fear, guilt, dogma, ego, delusion, expectations, conformity, obedience, toxic relationships, self-destructive behavioral patterns and worn-out habits are an illusion created to keep you in a self-imposed prison. Shed the skin of your former identity and die to misleading ideologies. What may feel like a loss is actually an eradication of debris standing in your way. The purge of unnecessary baggage always precedes spiritual transformation. Burn it to the ground and rise up from the ashes.
- Replace good deeds with authentic action. Stop trying to impress your family, friends, community, lovers, partners, teachers, preachers and gurus by living up to their expectations of you. You are not here to earn praise and popularity from the material world. You came here to learn and grow and become the purest form of Self. The people meant to be in your life will embolden you to step into your power and live life on your own terms.
- Love yourself. Sublime self-love has been deemed vain by those who have not yet realized their exquisite brilliance. You will skyrocket to supreme levels of awareness when you begin to celebrate your genius without apology every moment of every day. Remember who you were before they told you what to be and love yourself as if it’s your one and only mission in this lifetime. Your brazen enchantment with Spirit will create a ripple effect, naturally inspiring others to recognize their own worth.
- Never let them tame you. You are a phenomenon, flawlessly created by the hands of God. Your independence and unstoppable nature will frighten those who worship compliance and oppression. You are feral and free, a mystery in motion designed to attain everlasting freedom through full expression of your soul.
- Question everything. Dissect every rule, theory and tradition presented to you before reckoning it as truth. You are the master of your own mind. Think for yourself and be prepared to dismantle every conviction stirring a war inside of you. When you cultivate peace, you gain clarity and insight available to those who see beyond the tangible world. Your strength and courage are determined by your ability to scrutinize every instruction handed to you by secular law. Become the sovereign of your own empire.
Zella Sage is a forest nymph, wild mystic and healing artist. Her free spirit, combined with an inexhaustible curiosity, has led her on an endless walkabout through life to learn about human behavior, cultural conditioning and ancestral wisdom. As a leader of well-being retreats and workshops, she has been teaching Yoga for 18+ years while encouraging others to restore connection to self through mindful movement, deep breath work and plant medicine. Feel free to contact Zella through her website Zella Sage or Instagram.