Bohemian Horoscopes: July 2020.

Aries (March 21-April 20)
With Mars in Aries, you’re impatient to get ahead. But Mercury is retrograde (until July 12) and Saturn shifts back into your career zone. So family matters and professional projects are proceeding at a very slow pace. Smart Rams will decelerate your motor and cool your heels, especially around the time of the lunar eclipse (on July 5) and the New Moon (on July 20-21). Be inspired by Arianna Huffington, “Mastery takes time, patience and dedication.”
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
This month is all about communication and education. Do your best to be extra patient and diplomatic, especially up until July 12 (when Mercury turns direct in your conversation zone). Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it boosts your Bullish brain in July as you read, study, learn, ask questions, and expand your mind in intellectual and philosophical new directions. Be inspired by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the great engine of personal development.”
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Thank goodness your patron planet Mercury finally goes direct on the 12th. So the second half of July is a positive time to communicate passionately and creatively. Whether you teach, give a speech, post a podcast, write a report or get vocal on social media, it’s time to let other people know what’s really on your mind. But you must be careful with money matters. A budget blowout early in the month could lead to serious consequences in the weeks ahead.
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Around July 5, the lunar eclipse brings a relationship issue to a head, which will clear the air so you can view the situation from a much more philosophical perspective. Then Mercury moves forwards in your sign on the 12th, so communication should gradually improve. The regenerative Cancer New Moon (on July 20-21) is the best time of the year to refresh your appearance, update your wardrobe, review your personal beliefs, or launch a creative project.
Leo (July 24-August 23)
Have you been working way too hard? Is your daily routine overcrowded with stressful tasks? Or do you have a problem that no amount of thinking can resolve? Retrograde Mercury and the two eclipses stimulate your spiritual zone in July. So it’s time to slow down and focus attention on your inner world, as you listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you. Your motto is from Princess Diana, “I work on instinct. It’s my best advisor.”
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
You’ll feel more motivated after July 12, when Mercury (your patron planet) finally moves forward. Then the New Moon on July 20-21 activates your hopes and wishes zone. Even though times are tough, don’t limit your dreams for the future to options that are small and safe and sensible. Be inspired by Nelson Mandela, “There is no passion to be found in playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Libra (September 24-October 23)
With the planets highlighting your home zone, it’s time to play domestic goddess (or god) to the hilt as you cook, clean, de-clutter, entertain, garden, decorate or renovate. Family issues take center stage when the lunar eclipse lights up your home zone on the 5th. And you may have to tackle a professional challenge, especially around July 20-21. Avoid being an overly lackadaisical Libran. Strive to handle any problems that crop up in proactive, creative and clever ways.
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the lunar eclipse (on July 5) urge you to consolidate ways to connect with those around you, especially in your local community. You also need to get talking with loved ones and sort out any communication problems, especially after Mercury goes direct on July 12. Extra dollops of diplomacy and kindness are required. So your mantra for the month is from His Holiness The Dalai Lama, “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Neptune and Jupiter stimulate your creative juices and stir your humanitarian side. So it’s a good month to write a best-seller, start your artistic masterpiece, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or help someone in need. But (under the influence of Saturn, retrograde Mercury and the two eclipses) you must handle all financial matters in an uncharacteristically sensible and responsible way. For smart Sagittarians, thrifty is the new black, so make sure you’re wearing it.
Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
On July 1-2, Saturn (your ruling planet) reverses back into your sign until December 17, which will boost your ambition, motivation, dedication and work ethic. But it can also increase your pushy streak, especially around the time of the lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5. So avoid the temptation to trample over others on your climb up the career ladder. And do your best to reduce stress levels by incorporating some regular relaxation into your busy routine.
Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
This month, the focus is off you and onto the people around you, especially those within your local community who are sick or disadvantaged in some way. Being of service to others will give your days more purpose and your life more meaning. So your motto for July is from Princess Diana, “Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life, a kind of destiny.”
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
July is the month to dream big beautiful dreams. The lunar eclipse (on the 5th) and the Jupiter-Neptune link (on July 27-28) encourage you to write a long wish list of your hopes and wishes for the future. Remember, you can’t hit a bull’s eye if you don’t have one. And are you feeling bored and uninspired? The magical New Moon (on July 20-21) inspires you to take up a creative hobby or add an untapped talent to your Piscean repertoire.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.