Warrior Woman, I See You and Believe You.

It is not that we are living in times of extraordinary darkness. The darkness has been here all along. It is that we are living in times of extraordinary light.
All the darkness that has been allowed to traumatize and shame people into silence is being exposed for what it is — harmful, hateful — and, because we are brave to speak and witness, is ending.
Trigger warning:
Listening to the song below (see YouTube comments) probably won’t trigger you, but this writing content discuses sexual assault.
During my yoga practice today, the person who started CRUSH mural festival and the victims who have accused him of rape were on my mind and in my heart. He has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple women who have said when they came forward, they were not listened to and blocked from participating in this major arts event.
I dedicated that practice and this song to the healing of that situation, to the courageous women bringing it to light, and all victims of sexual abuse including those who went on to cause harm. May we collectively find our way out of this.
I am a victim of childhood sexual assault. I think I have a very unique perspective on sexual assault, maybe because I was a victim. I always think of the child that lives inside of the aggressor, and my heart breaks for them.
I don’t believe that humans are born to harm each other in this way, and the research shows that perpetrators usually grow up with extraordinary trauma where little to no resources of love and support are available to the child. The child is harmed and lives to harm. They become an adult and there must be accountability. There must be reckoning. And healing.
We live in a system that takes our most traumatized children and further punishes and traumatizes them as adults. It is a cycle of abuse that began so long ago in our human history we don’t even know its origins.
Being a victim myself, I know how important it is to be believed and supported. I have had people try to convince me I wanted or liked the abuse. This is absolutely ludicrous — I was 3-5 years old. And my nervous system remembers the event as a trauma that sparks deep fear, the habit of which I am still unwinding in my body, as recently as this week. 30 years later.
My body remembers the trauma like it was going to kill me. Like it was a truck crossing into my lane.
“Warrior woman…
I see you. I hear you. I believe you.
In the moment of darkness, I have your hand. Thank you for your courage. Thank you now for taking a stand.
Warrior woman…
I see you. I hear you. I believe you.”
I believe that the NLP technique that takes you back in time to support you when you were little is real. You can use your imagination to go back in time as an adult to be with that child in a moment of upset to comfort and support them.
From the Buddhist perspective, we have all ages alive inside of us right now, and we can go back and resource ourselves in the past. I believe we can do this for others too. You just close your eyes and use your imagination.
For all survivors of sexual assault, in the moment of darkness I offer my hand. You are absolutely cherished.
I see you. I hear you. I believe you.
We will do better by the daughters of our future.
I will see to that.
Ellen Pierce, MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy, is a lifelong surfer of the self-help and transformation sections. With over 1500+ hours in yoga and meditation training, she has a knack for helping women get through extraordinarily painful breakups and find the one. If you or someone in your life wants to know if it’s possible for them to find love again, please drop your info at BreakupAngel and she will get you access to a free preview call that allows will help you feel better immediately.