Awakening to Our Feminine Essence.

The awakening woman is coming home to herself. The fire of her womb is beginning to crackle.
Her passion and wild primal nature are beginning to pulse and ignite, as they begin to burn away her apologetic nature.
She is reclaiming the truth of her boundaries, awakening to the depths at which she has been violating herself. She is shedding her willingness to set her needs aside as the people-pleasing, likable, accommodating woman. She is shedding her consideration that the truth of her needs and desires should be dialed down as though they are too much or too needy.
She is beginning to see through the relationships and environments in her life that are imprisoning her feminine soul.
She is shedding the wounding around her relationships with other women and any distrust that has happened. Whether she has been betrayed or been the betrayer. Whether she has been judged or has been the one judging. She is shedding any wounding of the Dark Feminine — that jealous, manipulative, secretive, intoxicating, perpetrator-like behavior.
She is awakening to where she has abused her feminine power, and where feminine power has been abused and used against her.
She is awakening to and shedding the historical wounding of women’s dependence on men, domestic violence, sexual violence, and the lack of equal rights within democracy to varying degrees all around the world. She is awakening to the polarities of mother and career, receptivity and sovereignty, deep trust and naiveté.
She is awakening to the polarities of her complex, vast, and fluid nature that all carry the truth of her.
The awakening woman is awakening to her subconscious belief of what it means to be a woman, and how these beliefs have come to be. From her childhood, ancestral lines, intimate relationships, cultural impressions, religion or spirituality, the messaging of the media, the beauty industry, and the way women are treated as mothers, wives, and businesswomen.
She is awakening to all the ways she has been victimized in the past, and she is awakening to all the ways in which she is still embodying the victim instead of harnessing her power to take charge of her life now.
The awakening woman is awakening to what her feminine essence even is or means. She’s waking up to where she is giving her power away.
She’s awakening to all the ways in which she is walking through her life on eggshells, in fear of triggering the people around her, and all the ways in which she withholds and camouflages her heart because of her fear of abandonment and rejection, more than the fear of losing herself.
She’s awakening to all of the energy of woman — wounded and empowered — that is in her blood and her bones, that’s in her DNA, that comes from her mother’s line, her father’s line, and from the line of all womankind.
She is awakening from a deep sleep. She’s awakening to the power that is available within her that she didn’t know was there.
The first step is to see, for this is the awakening.
It’s awakening to the realization that the innocence of your heart has been restrained for as long as you can remember. That your body has been walking this earth clenching in shame, and in a fear of letting go that you don’t even understand.
It’s realizing you’ve never truly let your sexuality be free. Whether that be because of the partnerships you’ve found yourself in, and deep down you don’t believe they’d welcome the rawness of it, or because you realize you’ve been putting on a show to master a role you didn’t even realize you were trying to play.
It’s awakening to the extent to which you’ve been suffocating your creative fire with immense pressure to be something great. With the pressure that you must succeed, and be worthy in the eyes of the patriarchy. It’s waking up to the voice you’ve been hushing, that has been telling you the truth all along.
The awakening woman is awakening to her power that she’s been giving away. She’s awakening to the veils that have been placed all around her, and to the veils she has embraced as a sweet comfort of false security.
The awakening woman is awakening to herself, and it’s a process that no one can see from the outside. It’s not visible to the naked eye yet. It’s an alchemy that is brewing inside of her that isn’t yet tangible.
We may sense something is different and we may grieve, or be overtaken by holy rage because we now see the disfunction, but nothing seems to be changing in actuality. We still feel hopeless that things will never be different. That we will never truly be free or liberated in the ecstasy of our wild feminine nature we so deeply long for.
Those around us may start to sense the waking dragon. They may fear it. They may push back against it, resisting the growth in you, because they know your presence will force them to awaken as well. But once the awakening woman starts to wake, there is no stopping her.
She has tasted the possibility of reclaiming the life she’s let slip by and she’ll stop at nothing to claim, and drink in every last drop she can find from this day forward.
Each tease of a drop of her feminine freedom that she lays eyes on feeds her fire of reclamation. It feeds her life force as she begins to go after the juicy nature that is the root of the wild woman alive within her. The wild woman that is alive in all of us, waiting for us to reclaim her.
The awakening woman is the animal waking up to the cage that it’s been placed in. The awakening woman is waking up to her true desires, her true longings, and the truth regarding the life she wants as her own.
What we have to remember more than anything at this moment is that the fire has just been ignited to set ourselves free and the journey has just begun. We have to be patient. We have to believe in ourselves. We have to trust the process. If we let our grief and our holy rage of what isn’t swallow us whole, we will never be able to claim the beauty available to us.
It’s a delicate dance of empowerment to allow the grief of our aching hearts to feel what’s been lost or never been had, and to allow our holy rage to feed our personal power, while not losing gratitude and presence for the beauty all around us. For the love all around us. For the magic that this human experience of a turbulent initiation grants us.
The awakening woman is awakening to her magic, to life’s magic, and as painful as it may be, the magic, beauty, and love will outweigh all the discomforts. And it’s this we must have faith in. For our own sake, and for our own power.
Lots of love to you, beautiful woman. I hope that you see your magic, and if you don’t, know that I do.
With love,
Abby McHale is a writer who shares medicine to coax our spirits home and weaves flower essences and women into ceremonial circles and journeys that are designed to excavate and unearth pieces of our divine womanly nature aching to be reclaimed — parts we didn’t even know were there. Parts we feel, sense, and adore, but haven’t yet embodied in their full form. She believes a powerfully complex, fluid woman lives inside each of us, patiently waiting for us to realize we have been whole all along. For more feminine magic, you can find Abby via her website.