A Force Together: The Power of Women’s Circles.

The importance of women gathering and sharing together in a safe container is profoundly soul-healing and empowering.
Women’s circles can, have, and will continue to change the world as we know it, one woman at a time.
Stepping into a circle for the first time, looking around, speaking a truth you didn’t even know was inside of you, and listening to the other women do the same, can be a threshold crossed you can never step back over.
When women gather in such ways, we realize everything deemed crazy, irrational, too much, or not enough, are lies hoping we don’t realize how amazingly powerful we are in our feminine nature.
We are different creatures than man. Our brains, our physiology, our anatomy, and our spirit. We are wired to be sensitive, emotional, fluid, intuitive, and far from static. These attributes used to be honored as a crucial counterpart in society to keep balance, and somewhere along the way, our powers were hushed, and hidden, now waiting for us to awaken to them.
Women use to gather together during their moon time when bleeding, creating sacred space to receive the intuitive downloads moving through them. Men use to honor this as a foundational value to the whole of the community and supported them having this space. Some men still do this honorably so, but at large women have to claim it for themselves.
Women are the creators of life. Every human being has come from a woman’s body. Not all women have children or should feel the pressure to if they don’t want that, but all children come from a womb. The female form is wired for a nurturing state of unconditional love.
Women are designed to have deep emotional connections, to be sensitive, and we have been left shamed for it, taught to deprive ourselves of it.
Women’s circles are made for women to be in their truth, to find their truth, and to reclaim it together.
When women vulnerably expose the truth of their hearts with one another, it permits their sisters to do the same. We then dance back and forth going deeper and deeper. We realize our power and break the illusions of what it means to be a desirable woman. We naturally find a sense of deep self-worth for our bodies, our hearts, our creativity, our sexuality, our wisdom – all of it.
The more we connect and reveal our secrets, we realize we are all carrying the same truths.
All the illusions and myths of women that have preyed upon us, disintegrate when women come together in this way and have the courage to speak the unspoken. We realize the outside world’s attempt to dim our light. To hold us back. We realize all the ways in which we have disempowered ourselves by playing small in the shadows of these lies.
Once you see, you cannot unsee, and we can do this for each other. We can reflect on one another, and empower one another.
Women are meant to gather together. Women’s circles are designed for us to take care of one another, to understand one another, and to bring each other up. Women’s circles are for all of us to reclaim our power, light, and truth.
In honor of reclaiming the power and sacredness of sisterhood, woman, and the divine feminine, may we rise together above all that has attempted to keep us apart.
Women’s circles set a new standard for women. Once women experience this type of exposure, this type of truth, this type of illumination and inner freedom, you can’t go back to living in hiding. You can’t go back to going through the motions. But for this to happen, we have to truly expose ourselves. We have to be brave, and we have to let go.
There are so many types of women’s circles that invoke different things, different parts of our feminine nature.
Some are designed to expose the deep vulnerability of the heart, while others are designed to tap us into our intuition and inner wisdom. Some are designed for us to heal our relationships with other women, to heal or embrace our sexuality, or to tap into our creative expression.
Some are meant for building community or deepening friendship, while others are held as an opportunity to do this work with those we don’t yet know so we can navigate from a clean slate.
For magic to happen, and for change to occur, we have to jump beyond the fear of insecurities that have been bred through the illusions of what a worthy woman is.
Certain things make us feel secure as women. Whether that be our crafted personality, our beauty or bodies, or our sexual energy. It’s keeping these walls up that keeps us separated, and it’s women’s circles that are meant to expose this.
Women’s circles are meant to expose our raw truth as women.
Women’s circles are meant to invoke our souls to come home and weave our roots back together again. We women are a force together. We are powerful together. We are free together. We need to do the work together.
We need honesty, we need tears, we need laughter, unconditional love, and compassion. We need to have the courage to tell one another the hard truths so we can grow. We need to shed our judgments and tend to our wounds. We need to see one another in wholeness on an infinite journey of growth.
We need to play together, dance together, make magic together, and howl naked under the moon together. We need to raise families together, and we need to raise one another together.
In the name of women all around the world, of every culture, every ethnicity, and every walk of life, in the name of all the women who have walked before us, who are walking beside us, who are born from us and who are yet to reach this earth, we gather for you. We heal for you. We reclaim our power for you.
In the name of the wild woman sisterhood, we do it for all of us.
With love,
Abby McHale is a writer who shares medicine to coax our spirits home and weaves flower essences and women into ceremonial circles and journeys that are designed to excavate and unearth pieces of our divine womanly nature aching to be reclaimed — parts we didn’t even know were there. Parts we feel, sense, and adore, but haven’t yet embodied in their full form. She believes a powerfully complex, fluid woman lives inside each of us, patiently waiting for us to realize we have been whole all along. For more feminine magic, you can find Abby via her website.