Wellness: Explore the Big Picture and Every Aspect.

Have you ever worked out for months, did all the diet stuff, and still felt like there was something missing in your well-being?
I spent years looking at the culture of Western health and fitness, wondering why we’re approaching it the way we have.
We’re so focused on the flashy looks and the bravado. There’s a theme in it that pushes being physically productive and having perfect bodies, but the media rarely highlights that there are other pillars of wellness that make up a healthy person.
Sure, we see mental health campaigns, but there’s not enough coverage celebrating emotional healing, or informing people that physical exercise is another way to open your chakras.
It’s all connected, and when I’ve looked at yogis, bodybuilders, and health nuts over the years, I noticed how segregated these groups are. Sure, people are interested in all of those things, but the media isn’t interested in sharing the holistic value of health. Figures like Ram Dass, Wim Hoff and Deepak Chopra are celebrated on a big stage, but we still continue to see over-muscley men on health magazines.
In my studies to become a coach, I also noticed something else. Mindfulness and yoga classes for holistic wellness were 90% made up of women. And something further — when I became just as interested in those fields as fitness, I realized most wellness coaches are women working with women.
So they’re out there, and the media’s talking about it, but it’s all targeting women to become their inner goddess, and unleash their Divine Feminine.
As a coach and a reiki healer passionate about spiritual wellness as much as fitness, I was left thinking about men, why they aren’t being encouraged and shown to let out their Sacred Masculine king; and I realized the reason I’d grown up thinking that we’re not talking about it is because the narrative is different for men and women.
I thought the media was so much more concerned about muscles because I was a man who’d grown up surrounded by muscle magazines and testosterone-driven agendas, meanwhile there’s no mainstream spotlight on men confronting traumas, or talking about emotions to clear them.
I never had a coach tell me that emotions are stored in the body, and exercise can unblock trauma and clear chakras until I took yoga and got trained in reiki therapy.
There’s this disconnect in the message that’s sent out, that’s why I aim to level the playing field, to talk and coach holistic health to men and women equally, so we understand that there’s so much more to health than pushing our physical limits to burn out.
I used to be obsessed with being fit just to look good, but it wasn’t until I took time to get to know myself did I realize how much happier I was when I explored every other aspect of personal wellness. Not just physically, but internally.
Having spent years studying kinesiology just to graduate college in the spring of 2020 in a pandemic, I knew people needed more than just fitness or diet. People need the whole experience of transforming health. Which is why I spent most of the last year writing an 8-week workbook which includes the themes of all the pillars of holistic health, woven together with exercise and mindfulness.
We talk so heavily about physical and nutritional wellness, but social, emotional, spiritual, occupational, environmental, and mental wellness are just as crucial; that’s what I aim to shine a light on just as much as fitness and diet.
Wellness is understanding the emotions we feel daily and knowing it’s okay to talk about it. Wellness is understanding your love languages and realizing your stress levels are lower when you learn to communicate effectively. Wellness is journaling, gratitude practice and asking yourself the deep introspective questions of why you are the way you are.
And sometimes self-care isn’t just relaxing in bubble baths, sometimes it’s working through the tough shadow work that you know you need to do but you put off.
We can eat all the kale and run every day, but until we dig deep to the core of who we are, we’re barely scratching the surface of personal transformation.
Jordan Forget is a loving father, a healer, and a seeker of the Old Norse wisdom. He draws from his background in kinesiology and his reiki training to provide his clients with a path to healing and balance. He has dedicated himself to helping others through this holistic approach, and is committed to continuing on his own shamanic path. Through his practice, he aims to demystify the road to being healthy and whole, and strives to provide his clients with the tools and training to be the best possible version of themselves. You could buy his 8-week transformation workbook on Amazon, and contact him via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or email.