Calling Back Your Soulful Waters.

Your wild soul is like a mighty river, flowing towards the sea and nourishing all it touches on the way.
But sometimes, blocks form in the river, which prevent the water from flowing with the rushing force that it naturally carries. It often happens slowly, over time, so that at first we hardly notice. The roar softens to a gurgle and then a burble and eventually to a trickle, and finally it dries entirely.
Our soulful waters become dammed and grow stagnant, while the riverbed that was once such a source of sustenance and moisture in our lives turns dry and devoid of life.
Sadly, it often has to get to this point before we notice that something is amiss. This point where we feel arid and lifeless, lacking in juiciness and vibrancy.
And worst of all, we don’t know why. We followed the path that was laid out for us. We did what we were supposed to do, and yet we are haunted by a sense of emptiness. Hunger. Searching for something that we cannot even begin to name.
Our culture has no words for this. No myths or stories. No wisdom as to how we can notice what is damming our river. No invocations to court the soulful water back into our lives.
Yet this is a rite of passage that many of us eventually come to, fumbling in the dark and feeling as if somehow we missed a step or must have done something wrong, when in reality it is the most sacred of invitations:
A return to the wildly feminine soul.
I know from experience, when we come to these points in our lives, having someone who can help us name, identify, and describe what might be blocking our soulful waters from flowing can provide tremendous insight and contextualize our own experience.
Suddenly, thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that felt inchoate and unrelated are brought into the light and a pattern emerges from what previously felt like chaos.
The patterns are given names like people-pleasing, perfectionism, and performance.
We no longer suffer from a nagging discontent with no source.
And yet, while this is an important facet — noticing the blockages to our soulful waters, identifying and beginning to remove them — we can continue to work on ourselves in this way for a very long time. It is likely that this dam has been built over many years and maybe even generations, passed down silently through our lineages.
More and more debris has been caught and gathered, and the dam has only grown larger and denser with time.
That is why, as we begin to remove the blockages, we also whisper softly to the soulful waters on the other side. We stand on that dry and barren riverbed, fully embodied in our own longing, and with our pure, heartfelt yearning, we welcome the water back.
We grieve for the times that we betrayed ourselves, for how little we valued our own inner soul life, and for how arid we allowed our lives to get. With our tears and deep feeling, we welcome the water back.
We issue the invitation with song and dance, with poetry and art. We pour our hearts into stories and myths that celebrate the return of the Feminine from her long exile. With our wild creativity, we welcome the water back.
We pay attention to our night dreams and remember our soul’s love of symbol and image. We begin to speak her language, reclaiming our ancient mother tongue. With our willingness to open to the mystery, we welcome the water back.
We imagine boldly and out loud what our lives could be like upon her return. We allow ourselves to be unrealistic and extravagant as we unleash our imaginations and set them free to roam the wild lands. With our courageous and hopeful visioning, we welcome the water back.
Because what we have forgotten is that when our soulful waters are remembered, valued, and courted, they have the power to unleash a force so mighty and beautiful that no dam could ever stand a chance in holding them back.
Linda Katz is a Wild Feminine life coach, Qoya movement teacher, and writer devoted to helping women unleash the wildness within. In her coaching practice, Linda helps women see how their inner Good Girl and Tyrant King are conspiring with the patriarchal culture to keep them trapped, even when what they most long for is freedom. Through dance, dreamwork, and other soul practices, she invites her clients to come back home to themselves fully and remember their ancient feminine wisdom. You can connect with Linda via her website, Instagram or via her newsletter.