Using Graveyard Dirt Divination to Transform Your Life.

Dirt is a fantastic tool and one of the most underestimated magical tools you can use to elevate your spiritual and ritual practice.
First off, I don’t classify myself as a witch, but I do do witchy things.
For April, and with spring in the air, I am guided to use this sacred element of Earth more in my self-development expansion rituals, especially in divination work.
For this article, I would like to go over a taboo topic that many do not talk about: graveyard dirt. The mentioning of graveyard dirt might raise an eyebrow for some people because it can be a taboo topic and one of the most controversial tools used for ritual practices. But the truth is, using some in your rituals can pack a punch when it comes to transforming your life.
So get ready to learn how I have incorporated this element of Earth into my life to help me with personal transformation and soul expansion.
It’s time to get your hands dirty!
Starting off, this isn’t something I have mentioned to many people, but Spirit urges me to get this information out due to a lack of information on how it can be used for our benefit. Graveyard dirt can enhance any ritual or magic work!
But some could associate the workings with graveyard dirt with black magic or curses; graveyard dirt is also an ingredient in various positive magic, such as protection, luck, prosperity, and even love-drawing and… shadow work!
Let’s dive into the history of it:
The history of its being used can be found in several different countries such as Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the Americas, going as far back as the 16th century in written history and a long history of oral tradition before that.
Other practices that employ graveyard dirt in their workings in America include Appalachian and Southern American folk magic, traditional witchcraft, and Spirit-based magic. The uses for graveyard dirt, the methods of collecting, the ritual used can vary. It lies within the intent of using this sacred element of Earth.
What can it be used for?
Graveyard dirt is a powerful symbolic tool used to aid in alchemy and rituals to represent the sacred element of Earth. In addition, it can be used to communicate and honor the ancestors, heal from family trauma, and seek guidance from a beloved dead beyond the veil.
Witches, shamans and spiritual practitioners also favor graveyard dirt when needed in banishing spells and protecting themselves in all forms of negativity, harm, and evil. For example, it will help you against gossip, slander, and harassment. Ready to end toxic and abusive relationships? It helps with this too! Carry it around for protection against narcissists, who are attracted to us empaths.
Break and remove hexes, curses, jinxes, crossed conditions, bad luck, and protect against the evil eye. And that’s not all, it helps with…
- prosperity and abundance
- luck and attraction
- new love or reconciliation
- ancestral or Spirit communication
- scrying, necromancy, or connecting to higher realms
- removing of blockages, trauma healing, and shadow work
- opening new doors and opportunities, and more…
When setting your highest intention during your self-help rituals or divination, graveyard dirt is a special ingredient that puts some spiritual power in your corner! Add a pinch to incense, oils, potions, powders, poppets, herbal blends, mojo bags, sachets, and sprinkle onto candles. The magical possibilities of the sacred element of Earth are endless!
How do you collect it?
You don’t have to use dirt from a grave to start incorporating this sacred element of Earth into your life. The term graveyard dirt can be used to reference dirt from a churchyard or cemetery, dirt specifically from a grave, and powdered valerian, which is an herb most commonly used to treat insomnia, migraine, fatigue, and stomach cramps.
There are many methods of locating the proper soil, interacting with the spirits of the graveyard, and using the dirt you collect. So it is essential always to find your way, tap into your intuition and always let spirit lead.
For this article, let’s go over some important points.
When working with graveyard dirt in self-development expansion rituals, you don’t need to get the earth element from a grave necessarily. But just in case the ritual calls for specific energy or Spirit, here are some essential tips to follow.
When it is necessary to collect dirt from a grave, I typically choose to take it from the grave of someone I know personally. Doing this has allowed me to work on some deep ancestral healing that needed to be done to help with my expansion and healing.
In cases that it is not from a person you know, always research who they are to understand better the energy you will be working with. Always, always, always honor the person, the energy, and the land before you start digging.
Take time to explain what you plan to do to the Spirits, asking for their permission and assistance in this work. Ask for Spirit’s permission before removing anything from the grave. I proceed only after receiving a signal of approval.
It is essential that you leave a small offering or offer services for the assistance in this work. You can do this by visiting the graveyard regularly to clean, tend to the grave by wiping the headstone of dirt, burning a candle or incense on it, removing weeds and other debris, and leaving or planting flowers if this is allowed. Thank the Spirit again for their assistance.
Jennifer Whittington is the owner of RISE Innerversity, a community-based academy offering support for visionary starseeds, trailblazers, leaders, changemakers and New Earth builders who know they have a big calling to create the New Earth, and New Earth Excursion, a conscious travel agency helping others navigate the New Earth.