Let the Trees Know that You Know.
By Michael Elsey
If we look at time in the claustrophobic way that we normally do, we may not notice at all how transparent time truly is.
The idea that the human is naturally attracted to all things good is a bit blurry. We have categorized one another by separation and authority, though this idea is only an illusion of a possible fate for human kind. The forward motion to a symmetrical synergy of humans is in route.
In other words, our species is merging, other species are merging, and all living forms of life are equalizing.
This game that we are playing allows us to be in the driver’s seat of our own consciousness.
If we can recognize the intelligence in a computer with its hard drives, Internet, and overall connectedness, then we should understand that the human can be a very powerful computer as well. Our minds connect to all that is, not what isn’t.
There was a time when we had the imagination to dream up the magic need to open all connections available to us; which was ultimately during childhood. Our mind would behave like our dreams, without planning. One minute we’re here and the next we’re there, colors dancing out and the opportunity to choose how we feel without regret.
In order to get this imagination back and see the world with the fresh eyes of a child, we must simply let go. By letting go, we are giving into ourselves and saying that we no longer have the use for an internal war.
Accordingly, individuals will start to see that the more they can let go, the more we are free of emotional pull.
Humans are very complex organisms, with the ability to form speech in our minds and vocalize it through our mouths. We can generate life that can also regenerate a life of its own.
As the Earth’s super technology flows through the river of humans and life as a whole, we will step into the shoes of monumental consciousness. We can find our true nature by organizing our thoughts in an ideal manner.
If we notice something unwanted, we may choose to walk straight towards it in search of a better ending. The trees of Earth grow old and live their lives in correspondence with ours. We live in a harmonic relationship of exchange with the trees — which clearly demonstrates how much of our survival relies on each other.
Let the trees know, that you know, that they know.
Despite what many may think, we are not here by chance or by mistake. In fact, we are here to be ourselves as an expression of God, playing human. Have fun.
Michael views the world through as many perceptions as possible. He is a voyager of consciousness bringing back what he can from dreams, altered states and meditation. He strives to see the world bloom with freedom, to be all things while embracing the human vehicle, and to be aware of awareness.