5 Suggestions For Manifesters-In-The-Making.
“You can have what you want, do what you dream and brave what you fear, if you first see it done in your mind.” ~ The Universe (Mike Dooley)
Did you know that thoughts become things?
Since thoughts are made of energy, what you give energy to grows, and eventually becomes your reality… whether you realize it or not. When you look backwards, you can probably see that where you are right now in life crossed your mind at some point in the past. What does that teach us? It shows us that the Universe actually works backwards.
You heard me. Backwards. Finish to start. You have the thought and then you are led to the end result. You are already seeing your future — then through a series of coincidences, synchronicities and nudges, you end up right where you thought you would be.
You might be asking yourself, “Wait, I dreamt of being a millionaire by the time I was 25, but I’m broke as a joke! How did that happen?!”
I’ll tell you what happened: a. You weren’t ready (the Universe’s time schedule is the only working clock in this house); b. You didn’t solely focus on the end result; c. You got caught up in the how; or, d. You didn’t spend sufficient time feeling (i.e., in advance) the feelings you’d have when your wish is manifested.
See, the Universe isn’t interested in your way. It knows what to do. And it’s only interested in what you want. Period. So, these are five simple steps to demonstrate your responsibility in manifesting what you want:
1. Visualize the end result (clearly identify what you really want).
2. Spend some time each day feeling the feelings you’d naturally experience when reaching your final destination.
3. Take action (whatever your vision and intuition guide you to do).
4. Constantly keep moving towards your dream (the desired end result).
5. Act as though you are already your future self (enjoying that end result).
Here’s my take on summarizing what’s important for all you manifesters-in-the-making:
* Write down in detail what you want.
* Visualize what you want your life to look like, for five minutes everyday.
* Experience the emotions you will feel when you reach your goals (dance around in your underwear to Katy Perry, but for the love of God, don’t let anyone see you!)
* Then hop into action. This is the most important step. Without it, you got nothing. You must take massive action to reach your goal. As crazy as it sounds, you need to walk around pretending that you are already your future self.
For example, if you want to find a partner, clean out a closet in your house for him. Start sleeping on one side of the bed. Keep his favorite beer in the fridge. Act as though you are already in a relationship. Get it? No one has to know your weirdo machine tactics — just know that they work and morph into a person who’s in love.
Nothing can stop you when you’re in cahoots with the Universe. All you have to do is follow these five simple suggestions, and then just follow the signs — the Universe will show you the way… you just have to listen.