Release Your Dead Weight And Soar.

Never let anyone make you doubt your worth.
Never let anyone else’s issues make you feel inadequate, small or less than. Stand tall.
When somebody betrays you, you have two choices: Shrink back, or Stand tall and shine.
Sometimes we feel discarded, unwanted, tossed aside; unimportant, not good enough or weak.
If only we can see that being tossed aside can be happening for us, not to us.
We can be tossed aside for our own good; for our greatest liberation.
Sometimes people just aren’t worthy of us anymore. They don’t deserve all we have to give. And so they’re removed from our lives, for our own protection.
It may initially feel like a great loss and a wrench, but we’ll go on to see that it’s actually our greatest gain and liberation.
Know that when somebody leaves your life, they are leaving space for greater things to come.
They are leaving space for you to grow into the fullness of who you are. Unrestricted. Unsuppressed.
You’re totally free now to be your most authentic self, to stand in that brilliance, no longer held back. You’re ready for new situations, new experiences and people. There are beautiful and rich things just waiting to connect with you.
Release the dead weight and get ready to soar.
It’s your time now. To rise and to shine.
Betrayal cuts like a knife. But you can take hold of that knife and use it to cut a cord, that otherwise would have stifled and strangled you, restricting your oxygen supply.
Betrayal is behind you now. It was necessary for you to wake up and see the truth — that you are worthy of so much more. That bigger and better things are waiting; things of beauty and of depth. Things you’ve deserved all along.
You are ready now, unencumbered; scarred, yet unafraid.
You have survived this — the cut that went as deep as a knife. You’ve taken that knife and cut the cord. You’ve used it for your own liberation. And you’re ready now to start the rest of your life. Battered, bruised, and more than a little jaded. But with a new found vigor and grit. A take-no-shit warrior who is ready to look life in the eye.
You’ve been burned, but you have survived it. You are hardy now. You have a thicker skin, but the same old big, beating heart.
The love remains. The love pours over. It’s just concentrated now in the right directions. You’re using it to fuel you. And you’re sharing it with those who have gone the course with you. Who have been in the arena, battling with you side by side. They are your fellow warriors. Your heroes. Providing a whole army of love behind you.
It’s your time now. Rise, sister, rise. Get ready to begin the rest of your life.
Don’t waste your tears on those who don’t deserve it. Don’t chase or cry over anyone who doesn’t feel lucky to have you in their life.
You are in charge. You are the captain of this ship. Start steering it towards what you truly deserve.
Kelly Burns is a UK-based writer specializing in women’s health and the mind-body connection. She writes for both print and online publications, working on a flexible and freelance basis. She also provides expert opinion to the media, and is the author of the Inner Jewel Weekly blog. You can get in touch with Kelly via her website and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.
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