
It Is Through Our Struggles That We Find Purpose.


What an intense clashing of energies there has been these last few weeks.

Does it feel like nothing is going smoothly? That as you try to stay positive, move forward and so on, you get hit, trapped or sideswiped?

This is the path of resistance. This is how we get shown what needs to be cleared or healed within our physical and energetic bodies.

Seeing the obstacles that are within our path, and not just moving them aside or jumping over them, is how we truly get rid of them. Seeing the truth helps us release the old stories, baggage, to enable us to find our true selves, and to be free.

As I intuitively read and feel these cards, I’m getting the sense that it has been a challenging time for whoever is reading this. A time of walls and obstacles. A time of two steps forward, one step back. But remember, although there was a step back, you did take two steps forward.

These cards are also telling me it’s time to stop focusing on the obstacles, because that is in the past. See them, release them and redirect your gaze. Now is the time to move towards what you do want. By releasing and moving forward.

These obstacles and challenges are to show you what you do and do not want in your life. By making you run headfirst into these obstacles, the Universe is trying to tell you something. Showing you the imbalance, to help you find balance. Showing you the light by guiding you through the dark.

It is through our struggles that we find purpose. Move beyond limitations of “It’s not meant to be” and focus on “If this is for my highest good, then the Universe will take me there.”

{Photo credit: Becky Hernandez}


Ganesh is bringing light to your external situations, to allow you to clear up the inner conflicts. When obstacles arise, know they are just reminders that you care about the path you are on.

Diana is here to help you move forward with unwavering faith, knowing that the Universe is supporting you. She is helping you awaken your divine ability to manifest what you deserve. She is here to help you focus, and look past these obstacles, to see your true purpose and path.

Serapis Bey is here to remind you that the stars cannot shine without darkness. You may have been experiencing a low state of energy, trauma, etc. but now is the time for a new beginning. Without the challenges and obstacles you’ve faced, you wouldn’t be as strong, powerful or focused as you are today. You are ascending personally and spiritually at this time, and the Universe is here to support you.

Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. When old wounds arise, see them, release them, and then redirect your thoughts. If this is challenging, ask your higher self, guides, or the Universe for help. Keep the focus on what you do want, and drop the ideas, feelings, and baggage of what you don’t want.


BeckyBecky Hernandez (The Misfit Yogi) is an intuitive healer, freedom writer, guided meditator, yogi and life experience seeker. She believes that all is magic, and magic is all there is. She is currently trying to embrace the path of most resistance. You could contact her via her website or Instagram.


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