Your Wisdom Is Longing to Be Gained.

Wisdom does not come from somewhere outside of us.
It is not always found within the pages of a book or through some other far out concept that we cannot articulate. For even those mediums come from a source of sorts.
No, to me, the wisdom we gain exists within. It is gleaned from moments with a lover on those days when we are aggravated with one another. In those moments of silence when we are both too annoyed to speak kind words and we have no choice but to look honestly at the triggers.
It has existed between the sheets on a hot summer’s day as I make love to him and we study all of the parts of us that keep us yearning for more. It’s in the sweat that forms between our bodies and the rhythm of our hearts as we hear each other better… differently.
Wisdom continues to come forth from many failed attempts at something I thought I’d be great at. Oftentimes it takes the apparent form of falling down tirelessly until I have learned a different approach. I am learning that wisdom can be gleaned from apparent suffering.
And as I sit in quiet meditation — I begin to understand the wisdom in the very breath I take. Each inhale receiving the very thing I cannot live without, and giving back the very thing this Earth needs in order to maintain balance.
There seems to be wisdom flowing within the cells of my blood, each one containing centuries of information from times that I cannot recall. It reaches out to me in the subtle quiet of my dreams to relay messages to me for deeper healing and truths revealed.
I feel the wisdom of my muscles as they loosen on my Yoga mat. How they seem to guide me through a practice, rather than my mind leading the way. And I see the correlation between body loosening and mind expanding. And I ponder the truth behind wisdom.
When I was young, I used to think that wisdom came in the form of certain hierarchical teachers and structures.
But now, I see wisdom in its entirety.
Wisdom exists within each of us. It is the very body we call home, for the body knows things that the mind cannot even fathom. Wisdom isn’t given, it is earned. It is every experience you have ever had in this lifetime or any other lifetime prior. It is your spirit leading you to the right places, people and things that will help you gain more of what you seek.
Wisdom beats forth with every tick of your heart. It shows you to your next life lesson and the experience needed in order to step more fully into your knowing.
Wisdom can meet you through the eyes of your beloved, were you to allow it. For the very thing you are in love with is a perfect reflection of you. Wisdom teaches us humility in understanding that even the things we don’t like about the person we love also exists within us. Real love can teach you much in regard to wisdom.
Wisdom exists in those moments of quiet. Those times when a juicy insight flows forth or when you get the grandest of ideas. Your eyes see it, your soul senses it, and your body feels it.
That’s your own version of wisdom beckoning you forth. That is the wisdom longing to be gained.
Wisdom is the body, wisdom is the soul… oh, wise you.
Natalie Sophia is a self-proclaimed writer, healer, yogini. Her mission in life is to heal and be healed. She loves to laugh, to feel and to write. She began her journey of awakening a few years ago, and though there are times she longs to go ‘back to sleep’, she knows she has work to do. Her work and her passion are one and the same, and she hopes to inspire others on their life path to attend to their deepest longings as a soul in a human body. Natalie feels that life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. She knows that pain can be inevitable, but there is always choice in the story created from that pain. Feel free to check out more from Natalie on Facebook or on her website.
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YOUR Wisdom is Longing to be Gained – In a Love World
June 20, 2018 at 7:43 am[…] YOUR Wisdom is Longing to be Gained […]
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