Personalized Learning: Education for Next Generation.

Narrow boundaries are for crossing, especially when you are a prepubescent child.
When your parents’ guard is dropped and you weasel into something, it is thrilling and wholly satisfying. Persist with a hobby unnoticed, you may get good at it and develop a passion that is vital to you. This is your first step into the realms of that wonderful stuff called self-confidence.
It does not have to equate to a rebellious interest, but one chosen by only you and not force-fed by some well-meaning adult.
On 24 May, 2019, at 1717 hours, a purposeful Hello was delivered to my smartphone via my brother’s iCloud. Another greeting of Hi followed on 3 June, 2019, at 1532 hours. Puzzled as to whether the device was sending me robotic automatic greetings, I decided to reply. And astonishingly, I discovered the messenger was my tech-savvy niece. She was making independent contact with her auntie.
“We’re so enchanted by how clever we are.” ~ Julian Lennon, Saltwater
This discovery and connection with my adored niece made me realize that my promise of making her clever, as we were coming out of a bookshop in a provincial High Street in West Sussex and receiving the smile and approval of a young bespectacled woman behind us, was, indeed, self-fulfilling.
Cleverness or education is a ticket for an individual to play to their strengths, discover, foster a lifelong joy of independent learning. Personalized learning, as Mark Zuckerberg’s foundation calls it, is the marker of education for the next generation.
We all have the capability to be intelligent. Human beings have been the dominant species for possibly 50,000 years (source: Scientific American) because of this skill, as we can intelligently assess our environment, which we sometimes create, and then adapt to meet the challenges of it.
My niece seemingly singled me out for the above external communication. I was spellbound as our messaging progressed, and I witnessed her artistry on a computer and her clever little well-spelt sentences.
We need education. It’s what we thrive on. But it should be creative, fluid and subtle, passed on by a knowledgeable teacher. Praising and encouraging creativity in children is important, for it could be the key to our survival in the future.
Artists will not be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. And human emotions are so deliciously exciting that scientists do not even have the information to compute them yet. Individuals master and navigate their feelings entirely by themselves.
The children I mentor, my niece and nephew, are undoubtedly lucky. They are growing up in a rich idea-driven environment, mixing with adults who are artists, musicians in bands, writers, former graffiti-writers, photographers, who all have responsible day jobs.
We have conversations ranging from whether their generation will live in space to designing robots as a career. Being cool is a happy inconsequential by-product of their training. Giving them caverns of trivia, visuals and explained sensitivities will prepare them to be the workforce of the future.
For whilst we may have to live next to robots in a couple of decades, work, as established in the biblical times, is good for the soul. We will have to do things differently and more responsibly towards others and the environment in the future. We can all reach a certain educational level. It is where we take it from there that will determine what happens next to us and the world.
Self-confidence and creative self-education, which my niece hit upon by messaging me, will be the rocket fuel we all need to move on to greater platforms.
Keri France is a sensitive and strong soul, who believes in the power of creativity for personal growth. If you sometimes feel you have been on the brink of success, despair, sadness, Keri has been there too. She believes in creating opportunities for herself, being enriched by experiences, and writing down her thoughts on what she has learned in the process. With a voice-over demo, collection of her own artwork, and now writing, she knows a good life is a creative life.