Help the Inner Masculine Support the Rising Feminine.

I have been in a place of transition. Something has definitely shifted within me and in my work.
I have been struggling, because the ways I had previously shared of myself and my ideas doesn’t feel right anymore. It has become outdated, and the new form has been struggling to come through.
This morning something clicked, a realization that has helped me move forward. I finally put my finger on what has been holding me back.
“I have been trying to find the solution in the very thing that caused the problem in the first place, which is impossible.” (based on Einstein’s “No problem can be solved by the same kind of thinking that created it.”)
I have sensed — and it has been very uncomfortable — that I have been trying to explain deep shifts, important realizations and work that I am passionate about with a voice that doesn’t speak the language of what I need to say.
The work that I want to share comes from a calling, from a place where I connect with the deep, intuitive feminine aspect of myself and life. This place is calling us all so balance can be found on the earth.
However, when I find myself teaching a webinar or trying to do a video, I find a deep-seated fear arises. A part of myself doesn’t believe in and allow this calling, this place, to come through. It doesn’t believe that inside myself I have what I need to be able to communicate my truth. I find myself paralyzed, because the old way of using my mind doesn’t fit the content. It doesn’t fit who I am and what I want to say.
And yet this dominating aspect of my mind, and the world, still makes me doubt that I can stand up in front of the world in any other way.
The voice of the Feminine that is crying out to come through in both men and women comes from our intuitive knowing, from our body’s wisdom, from our indigenous ancestral clans. And yes, we all have indigenous roots.
The voice that doesn’t believe whispers to me that without evidence-based data, without scientific backup, without quoting the right citation, my voice is worthless. And so, I try to convince myself that I can speak my truth with the voice that doesn’t believe I have what I need within me. I struggle and I carry on as if in a battle.
This is a battle with myself, because I have internalized the voice of reason, the voice that has dominated the way we see and act in the world, the voice that our society has praised and put on a pedestal of righteousness, the voice that is at the heart of the problem we have in the world today.
The Feminine has been crushed. There is an imbalance both in the world and within ourselves. We are running out of time! We need to act, but the very way we need to act is not the way of before. It is not the way that got us into this mess in the first place.
I believe, we need to find right relationship within ourselves before we can stand in our truth and communicate it to others. My inner Masculine is here to believe in, support, encourage and be of service to my Feminine instinctual wisdom and knowing. My inner Masculine is wounded, wounded by the patriarchal system. The Feminine has been repressed in the world, in women and in men.
As women, we need to stand up and allow the Feminine to be expressed by a healthy inner Masculine who opens the way and believes in us. In order to do this, we need to heal our relationship with our inner Masculine, or animus, as Carl Jung called him. How can we hope for the world to believe in the Feminine calling if our own inner Masculine doesn’t?
How can women expect men to understand and support them if our own inner Masculine doesn’t?
We have all witnessed the limitations of politics as well as the destructive force of many political systems. We can’t find the solution in the very system that caused the problem.
It is not about trying to convince others through political discourse that the Feminine is going to find her rightful place. I believe it’s through turning our perspective inwards and asking ourselves, “In what way is my inner Masculine wounded? What does he need to be able to support the rising Feminine?”
A good analogy for this relationship can be found in many women’s ancestral bloodlines. Colonization sent men all over the world to enforce a certain system upon the indigenous people living there. One of the outcomes of this was that European men took indigenous women as their wives and to have children with. This is the story of my own maternal bloodline.
These women were more often than not cut from their indigenous roots and assimilated into the dominant colonizing culture. Their ethnicity and often their indigenous names were disguised. A few generations down the line, we have to dig deep to find out who they were and where they came from.
However, they and their indigenous cultures are at the roots of our maternal bloodlines. It is their clan we hold in our mitochondrial DNA, passed on from mother to daughter unchanged. And as the Feminine rises through the golden thread of the mother-line, these clans — stolen with the women in North America, India, Canada, New Zealand, Australia — are rising.
It is us, the grand-children and the great-grandchildren of these clans, who are hearing the call of our people. Our mother-line is awakening. Its time has come. Our wounded Masculine has come from the father’s education through the generations. An education that denied, ignored or violated the indigenous Feminine in their wives, their daughters and ultimately within themselves.
A time for balance has come. The indigenous women within us have no choice but to stand up in their earth-based knowing and re-align their relationship with their inner Masculine.
So, with the help of my ancestral clan and my animal and plant allies, I commit to helping my wounded Masculine liberate my colonized indigenous maternal lineage through believing in her and allowing her fire to rise. Through holding space for her to voice her truth that is in alignment with the earth, through allowing her to feel and voice her rage.
But most of all, I commit to helping my wounded Masculine to trust and believe in the mother-line, in the wisdom of the earth once again.

Cathy Skipper is a writer, healer and life-coach. She lives in New Mexico and works internationally. She works alongside her husband, holistic psychiatrist, Florian
Birkmayer M.D, helping healers, therapists and seekers of all kinds to transform their life’s challenges and find their soul’s purpose. Cathy believes for men and women to embrace the Divine Feminine within, women need to lead the way. Cathy does not teach a process, she helps you become the process. She is the co-founder of the online school and coaching service Aromagnosis.