Matrix of Energy: A Prayer of Clearance & Clarity. {poetry}

As a child, I was trained to pray every night before I went to sleep. Prayer was a way to ask for forgiveness for being human.
Prayer disconnected me from relationship rather than bringing me close to the love I imagined didn’t exist for me. While slowly untangling myself from a deeply religious and controlling upbringing, I discovered the practice of prayer followed me.
At first I resisted, unwilling to connect with something that for me held so many distortions around communication with the Divine. Over many years of writing, poetry started to come through in a way that felt like the prayers I never allowed myself to pray simply because I didn’t know how. The process of writing unlocked a connection with the sacred in a way that is honest for me.
The way I see it, prayer is a dance of words across the page, speaking to the Divine in the matrix of energy we all play in that rises out of our DNA. I write to dance with our DNA, encouraging our evolution, our individual and collective connection with divinity, our embodied expression of life as a human family.
Breathing in cleansing fire, I burn all that is not love, that locks me in slavery to an authority not my own
With the water of these tears, I wash myself clean of anything that minimizes my value and keeps me small.
With each breath, I clear down to my DNA, all disease of body, mind, emotion and energy, protecting my energy forever and holding it in infinite spaciousness, silence and eternal joy.
All that is not love is forevermore gone out of my field of energy, leaving me bathed in the purity of my being.
With all my breath, actions, thoughts and words, I continually renew my spirit in creative expression of life eternal.
Each breath I breathe clears my heart, mind, body and energy of all control, manipulation and slavery of soul in any form.
I stand tall in my own unique, individual being, connected honestly and clearly with all who wish to dance with me in this dance free from anything that would make us slaves to each other.
I dance freely in my own energy, welcoming yours as it pleases and gracefully allowing it to leave when it wishes, staying in my own brilliance and leaving you to burn in your own, sharing our fire when we wish and dancing alone when we choose.
With each breath I breathe, my heart, mind and body create right relationship with myself, others and the whole universe, free of control, manipulation and slavery.
Allowing pleasure to open my body, I commit to that which nourishes my being and matches my heart at its highest expression of praise to the Universe.
Simple knowing guides my actions and shows me the truth along my path.
Belonging to those who share deep knowing, I can trust the bodies of those who also resonate to the clarity of their being, allowing and supporting my free fall as I allow and support theirs.
Fearless, I move through the earth, dancing with pleasure and joy at pure existence, no more lack, need or want imprinted in my experience.
Myra Nicks writes, dances, loves and lives in the Yukon, far from where she first thought she’d be, but closer to all she imagined was possible.