Listen to Your Self-Talk in This Now Moment.

We’ve all heard the phrase Your power is in the present moment.
This is ancient wisdom, but do we really understand how true this is from a conscious creation perspective? Do you fully understand just how powerful your thoughts are?
Understanding the Law of Vibration, which states that everything is energy, we come to understand that the thoughts we think and the words we speak emit vibrations. We also understand that we attract what we vibrate through understanding the Law of Attraction.
Knowing this, we know our thoughts and words affect the actions we take and the emotions we feel, which all affect the frequency or vibration we emit, which in turn influences what flows into our experiences. The point here is, how aware are you of the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, and the words you speak? So, let me ask you: What are you thinking right now?
Were you thinking thoughts of love and joy or frustration and anger? How do you feel right now? Do you feel peaceful and at ease, or has stress got you all tight and constricted? Is your self-talk uplifting and positive, or do you consistently berate yourself?
See, here’s the thing: what you are focused upon in this now moment — whether you are conscious of it or not — will affect the frequency you emit, which will affect what manifests into your experience. The good news is that as you choose to be more aware of what you think, say, and feel, you can make changes to what you experience.
It doesn’t matter how long you have had those non-serving habits or patterns of thought. What does matter is in this now moment, do you choose differently?
Everything we have come to know about ourselves, we have learned. We have the wonderful ability to discern what is true for us and what no longer serves. For example, if you were taught as a child that the world is a frightening place, then anything you heard or experienced that supported that belief, you accepted without question. But, is it really true?
What if you were taught that the world is predominantly a safe place? Sure, there are some scary things out there, but that people are innately good and kind and supportive. In other words, you were taught to be mindful but not fearful. The experiences we have in life are a mirror of what we have come to believe. What are you seeing when you look in this mirror called Life?
One of the requirements for being on this co-creative journey is to sit down and question your beliefs. How often do you sit and question your beliefs? Do you ask yourself questions such as:
- Why do I believe this?
- Is it really true?
- Is it true for me now?
- Where did this belief come from?
- Does this belief truly serve me, or is it time to shift this belief into one that does serve me?
Take a moment right now to become aware of your thoughts. What are you thinking right now? Understanding that thoughts shape your experience, would you want this thought to manifest? Remember that whatever you send out will come back to you.
Listen to your self-talk. Notice what you repeat. Those repeats are patterns. If you say it more than three times, it’s a pattern. Is this pattern serving and supporting you, or does it limit and constrict you? You have the choice of your own words and thoughts and feelings. You are the only thinker in your mind.
Call to Action
My mentor’s request to you is that you go on journey of discovery. You are seeking to discover what your predominant thoughts, words, and feelings are, so that you can discern what serves and what does not. For a week, commit to being conscious of your thoughts. You do this to be continually checking in:
- What am I thinking now?
- How do I feel right now?
- What am I saying to myself in this now moment?
Journal your findings, so you are able to identify your patterns and the beliefs you desire to question. Then take your beliefs through these questions:
- Why do I believe this?
- Is it really true?
- Is it true for me now?
- Where did this belief come from?
- Does this belief truly serve me, or is it time to shift this belief into one that does serve me?
- What is the belief I choose instead of this? (should you decide to shift the belief)
I would love to hear what this discovery process holds for you, so please feel free to share with me what you discover.
Elaine Torrance-Gingrich is an Ordained Minister, Certified Coach, and Clinical Hypnotherapist. Known as the Goddess of Laughter and Possibilities, her passion is to empower sensitive women to remember who they are and the magic they possess, stand in their authenticity and Divine Feminine energies, use their voice and speak their truth, and fall unapologetically back in love with themselves so they can live the life they came here to live. You could contact Elaine via her website, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.