Stay at Home in These Unprecedented Times.

We are going through what has become the most frequently used term in 2020: an unprecedented crisis. We cannot cope because some of us don’t know how to.
Is it because we have too much — too much choice and too much of everything? Are we spoiled? Do we not understand how to appreciate and be grateful for what we have? I suspect this is the case.
There are those amongst us who can hold their head up with pride and honor knowing that they have done their ultimate best to protect the country, its people, the NHS and all key workers. Then, on the other end of the scale, there are the morons. A strong word? Yes, perhaps, but so apt and, even more suitably apt, is the name given to these morons: they are now what we call Covidiots.
The very-easy-to-understand message spoken in plain English seems not to penetrate some people’s brains. It’s everywhere and we hear it everyday. Stay at home — isn’t that just what it says?
Being told to stay at home should not pose a problem. It’s not the most difficult thing we have ever been asked to do. In fact, it must be the simplest instruction ever given by a government. They are even compensating us financially to stay at home.
Again, the word unprecedented springs to mind. Most of us have the luxury of a roof over our heads. We have food, drink, heating, clean water and access to countless forms of entertainment. Keeping in touch with our loved ones is no biggie. We can call, text, FaceTime and share photos and videos on various social media platforms. We are actually a very fortunate bunch of people.
Complaining about being bored and having nothing to do whilst at home is just plain ridiculous. If all it takes to save lives is to sit on a sofa at home with no other predicament than not being able to decide what to watch on the telly, then what is the problem? Just do it!
Also, despite what anyone has to say about our government, they are doing a grand job. This is that unprecedented crisis that no one saw coming. So inevitably, there will be errors made, but those in charge are working hard to do what they can for each and every one of us.
We have our fantastic NHS and all other key workers who are doing their utmost best to keep the country afloat and keep the rest of us safe. Not only this, but the one thing we don’t have to worry about if we get ill is how we are going to pay for our treatment. This alone is peace of mind. No one wants to catch the virus, but no one is immune either. Like it has been said many times, it doesn’t discriminate.
We only have to look at what is going on around the world to know how much better off we are. India is one such example. These unfortunate people were told that on no account should anyone leave their house for 21 days. That is a big ask.
With no means of access to food and essential items, some of the poorest people in India will simply perish. The police have no sympathy with those that break the rules; they beat them with sticks if they are found on the streets whilst we, on the completely other end of the scale, are politely asked to return to our homes.
Citizens of India have no financial support from any source. Jobs are insecure, and if they cannot work, they will not get paid. Many people who have been told to stay at home do not even have a home to stay in. They live on the streets in makeshift tent-like lodgings. Any hope of getting treated fades as their finances are depleted. No money, no treatment is the harsh reality.
They, and many other families in India, will face terrible choices in the coming months. For some, there is no choice. Either they have the money to get treatment or they don’t. If not, they are doomed to die. For in India, nothing is free. The hospitals will be full of people who can afford to be there, while those in poverty drop dead like flies. It doesn’t bear thinking about.
So, it’s not so hard to see that we are very lucky. Stay at home and help protect yourself, those you love, and our NHS. Help each other eradicate this unforgiving pandemic. You don’t have to go anywhere unless it is absolutely vital. Otherwise, make the most of the time you have. Use it wisely and do the things you have always wanted to do. You will never get this chance again.
Personally, I somehow think that God is angry with us for destroying the very Earth he put us on. We are being taught a lesson. Are we now the prisoners while the animals roam freely? Maybe, but our prison is of our own making and, if we choose, it need not be a prison but a pleasure instead. So do not fret, life will get back to normal soon, whatever the new normal might be.
Indira Mahun was born in India but grew up in the UK. She had a colorful childhood and faced many challenges in her personal life, especially during the married years. Her children are her absolute life, as is her beautifully gorgeous grand-daughter who makes everything okay. Indira is a teacher, and loves the job and the satisfaction it brings. There’s nothing like the grin on a child’s face when they open their exam results. Indira has been divorced and widowed, and is now in a happy relationship. She will devour books, and is known to have read 11-12 books a week whilst on holiday. She also loves to write, and her ambition is to have her novel published one day. Indira also enjoys traveling and seeing the world, and has been lucky to have visited many places. Her motto is ‘live and let live’.