Vaginas depicted in the art world don’t fare any better. What’s worse is that much of the disapproval comes from women. Go to any comments section, on any article covering vaginal art, and you’ll find a stream of women making statements such as "That’s disgusting!"
People throw up sex addiction when I’ve tried to discuss my sexual peak with them. Apparently, if a woman wants an abundance of sex, then she must have a psychological condition -- she couldn’t possibly just want to get laid.
People are more concerned with how their life looks than how their life feels. I’m conscious of how much time I spend texting, emailing or checking social media. I have regular internet breaks and detoxes. Social media is a time vacuum. I don’t know about you, but I want to appreciate life and ...
Their negativity wasn’t about me, it was about them. A well-adjusted person who is doing what they love never feels threatened. They celebrate other people’s success and push them to soar higher. Those who can’t be happy for you, feel threatened.