Rebelle Society

All Posts By:

Malvika Vazalwar


Chronicles Of The Crescent Kin.

You know they are your kindred not from the color of their eyes, but from the tones of their hearts, which are dressed in mystique. The paradigms of their minds will match mine and yours, as they, too, will be charmed by a presence that is just mad enough to be brilliant. They will feel the  ...

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I Have A Christian To Thank For My Pagan Ways.

Thus my journey began, diving deep into research on- and offline, searching for all the mythologies of the old world, before Christianity attempted to wipe them out. I was astounded and amazed at the similarities amongst them, especially the ones that were separated by vast expanses of ocean  ...

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you & me

Say Goodbye And Let Go.

I’ve always been one to believe that when someone truly means something to you, you fight for them no matter what. It’s irrelevant what they do, how they treat you, or what you go though… you put on your big girl pants and learn to forgive. I’ve never been one to give up on those I love,  ...

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Getting Quiet To Live Loud.

This sense of quiet (upholding boundaries, listening to my body, meditating, and letting go of unneeded distractions) allows me to take breaks without feeling as if I am letting anyone down, allows me to meditate and feed my soul, allows me to be present to those I love, and allows me to  ...

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She Moves In Mysterious Ways: Letting Go Of The Gavel.

He moves in mysterious ways... unless you are the He who knows the deeply-buried secret of generations of familial abuse. He knows that he must leave in order to repair the primal scars to his nervous system, and to feel whole again. He knows he will be judged by others for turning his back on  ...

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you & me

Flow In Daily Life: Be Willing To Get Willing.

Thinking that you're having the wrong experience, to quote Katie Hendricks, is the quickest way to make yourself go crazy. We are, in essence, at that moment, arguing with reality. We think we know better or should feel better or different. Energetically, you're saying to the Universe, “I don’t  ...

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My Scar Wants To Talk.

Even if you discuss ideas and content that books have been written about, it will never be the same thing as when it is expressed through the original being that you are. When you peel off the voices of others that have accumulated and calcified, you bring out your own voice.

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