Rebelle Society

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Salome: A Retelling of the Biblical Story. {fiction}

  Long ago, the story of Salome and John the Baptist was recorded in the Bible. Legend tells that she performed the Dance of the Seven Veils for her stepfather, King Herod, on his birthday. This pleased him, and he gave an oath that she could ask him for whatever she wished. She consulted  ...

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Idle in September. {fiction}

Jeremy stood up. He reached out to hug Beth as if no time had passed, no feelings hurt. She was stiff and kept her arms straight. “The fire never idles when you’re near,” Jeremy sang in her ear.

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The List. {fiction}

I wrote my list: A wide and ready smile, a great sense of humor and a lot of patience, a loving father, a kind person, a generous lover, a hardworking man with a steady income, not too flashy but handsome, good with pets, not obsessed with sports, warm hands, likes dancing and camping, laughs  ...

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