Rebelle Society

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39 Things I Believe When It All Seems Unreal.

My list started small and kept growing and will continue to grow. This space of calm is like the wingspan of a great blue heron, gliding across the stillness of a channel. It expands and releases and touches, creating ripples to the four corners of a universal web. Our effort to keep pushing  ...

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Eye To Eye, Mirror To Mirror, Soul To Soul.

Focus teaches us to let go and is the gravitational force that propels us forward, even when we don’t know where forward exactly is. This is commonly referred to as stepping out on faith. What is behind these all too familiar words that are so easy to proclaim and yet so difficult to master?

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3 Empowering Moves To Rebalance Your Work Life.

Solutions do not come while you stand over the proverbial watched pot giving yourself a poor man’s facial. Solutions come in the center of a deep guttural laugh. Solutions come from the fresh ideas of inquisitive children. The best ideas are born in the moments where you are your most relaxed,  ...

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Sexy, Crazy Marriage.

I have learned a lot about myself in the context of my marriage. I am good at being married. I am a devoted and loving wife, at least part-time. But don’t get me wrong: The love I feel for my man is a full-time thing, and always will be.

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