Rebelle Society

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Sex: Allowing Our Bodies to Lead Without Judgment.

When we have inadequacies, insecurities and fears, we block ourselves from being and receiving. We are not taught this mutual interaction as a possibility; we go in with a fixed mindset, not open or receptive as to what it could be. What if we could have sex without all this, authentically as  ...

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From Yuck to Yum: Why I Love to Give Head.

Talk with your partner or to a sex coach about any shame regarding this sexual act. Many women hold old belief systems around what is and is not okay to do in the bedroom. The best way to get past these shame triggers is simply to be vulnerable and talk about them.

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Sundae Vag: Learning how to Celebrate My Sexuality.

Naomi Wolf explains that when women permit themselves to seek pleasure, including sexual pleasure, their dopamine system gets optimally activated. She calls dopamine the ultimate feminist chemical, as when dopamine levels are balanced, women are more likely to be confident, creative and  ...

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Sex, Spirituality and Effortless Orgasms.

The irony with orgasms is that if you are not trying desperately to have one, the more likely they are to occur. Settle yourself into a happy acceptance that you might come while you are asleep and dreaming, but if you don’t, that is okay too; a good night’s sleep is seriously underrated.

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From Shiver to Quiver, Dust to Lust.

I wonder what it’s like in your head, not just in your bed, where orgasms preside and emotional baggage is checked at the door. The bed you enter in the dark like a tornado, and escape from in the light like an illuminating lightning storm. The kind of storm one wants to get close to because of  ...

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