Rebelle Society

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What We’re Missing Lies In Our Struggle.

The world can be rough and tough, and pretending that the happy and shiny things in life are the means to transcending our individual inner demons does not help anyone find wellness. The happy and whole and healthy moments of our lives are the rest and rejuvenation from the harder times.

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Moving Away From The Want To Be Skinny.

Controlling her desire to control will always be the heartbeat, the lifeblood of a battle that will never fully recede, though it is indeed a war she is finally winning. She wins every time she stares her want down cold. Her steely eyes work to stop it dead. It's her wielded weapon, this  ...

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My Body Is Awesome, And So Is Yours.

Politicians and the like will try to legislate and regulate your body. They will debate your reproductive rights and create laws to govern your uterus and your ovaries. Last year alone, politicians tried to regulate women's bodies 468 times. Do you want to know how many times they tried to  ...

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Bipolar Coaster: A Journey Of Acceptance.

I had a short stint, around age 30, where a particular cocktail temporarily tamed the beast that was my illness. I stayed sober and stable long enough to get my career on the fast track. The problem was, I missed the mania. I was quickly climbing the corporate ladder, and having the ability to  ...

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