Rebelle Society

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How to Dress Like an Elegant Rebelle.

The changing seasons are an excellent time to think about freshening up your style. This year, why not make everything you wear an expression of the love that you hold for the earth and humanity? The fashion industry that employs one-sixth of the world’s population is riddled with issues such  ...

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The Cycle of She.

Sorry, guys, not that you aren’t divinely amazing or anything, but women are a potent force of creation on this planet, and ebb and flow comes with the territory. There’s complexity and messiness with the feminine, and this needs to be given the required space and respect for blossoming to  ...

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Get Past Your Comfort Zone {plus a recipe}.

The Scene: Standing at the base of a vast and beautiful coastal mountain in Southern California, about to embark on an exciting challenge: hiking 13 miles… straight uphill to the top. Homemade trail mix fills my pockets, sunscreen coats my skin, and my hiking shoes are tightly laced. I peer  ...

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Lessons by Nature: Live the Seasons of Life.

Contracting Lyme disease took me from a full blooming Summer into my Fall, then the longest Winter. Nature saved me as a teenager, learning how to live in harmony within myself and those around me.Thinking I had nothing else to learn from nature, I sought to teach others of this wonderful world.

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