Rebelle Society

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Choose Your Fate: The Gifts of Low Self-Esteem.

At a certain point, I realized I was in no way heading in any direction towards feeling any sense of self-love or deserving, and I got really fucking mad. Is this my fate that was laid out for me? Some kind of sentence I must serve? Should I just accept that this is the limitation of my  ...

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My Banging-Around Heart: Growing Up Unseen.

It is terrifying, arduous and painful work to discover, accept, and embrace all of who you really are, to let go of the story of being unseen, and to leave behind the paradoxical safety and comfort zone of your chaotic banging-around pain. It may feel insurmountable or impossible to believe  ...

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The Voice Of The Crone.

They would tell me to color the grey from my tresses as well to conform to an ideal that serves to wash women of their power. For all the world I would not give up these strands of magic. Would you give away such treasure, such majesty, so easily, I ask them. Why do you fear age and wisdom and  ...

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Kali Takes New York: Sign Of The Times.

It is time to get our Kali on inside and out; to cut off the head and commit to the heart on all levels. So many of us are shedding our false selves, empty certainties and small lives, and no matter how much we wish for the safety of the old, the more desperately we hold on, the hotter the  ...

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