Rebelle Society

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Today, I Just Want To Be Grateful.

I won't pretend I am particularly fond of the pain that seems necessary to continue evolving and healing. And depending on my mood at that moment, I might grumpily think "Yeah, right..." next time my ever-smiling Yoga teacher asks us to be filled with gratitude. But today I just want to be grateful

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Dancing In The Graveyard: A Christmas Miracle.

And now I can finally cry Why. I shout it now. Weeping and shouting and pleading and ripping grass from the earth. Why. And I can’t remember it all; my mind doesn’t grant me the memories, but my body aches with that familiar longing for something pure. To be loved in a pure way that a daughter  ...

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Waking Up To Consciousness.

I am mesmerized by the sun, the way she dances and dapples, illuminating leaves with paprika and turmeric. The veil is with me always, where I am able to move my hand, lucid and glass-like, lifting silken skirts of varied states of existence.

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How Much Do We Know Ourselves?

Kindness and compassion ran to our arms. When we thought before we did not deserve the journey, An inner voice kindly whispered, “Go! Run and grab the opportunity to start over and forgive yourself again.”

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Cutting The Head Off The Mediocre Monster.

Were you caged as I was? Comfortable in the way you were living, and not really hungering for anything new? Were you pulled out of it against your will? Did you rebel? Are you eternally grateful to who- or what- ever showed you a different way of being?

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