My deep dream is that by the time I reach my crone years, I will witness these visible acts of self-love and reverence among more women during their Persephone period.
I returned to that night as I am now, as my 11-years-since aged self. We were at a party. Our 10-year high school reunion. I had only one purpose being there this time: You.
Mother Earth is entering her own darkness, and whether you choose to embrace it or not, she will either help you on this journey in your shadow-work, or drag you through it kicking and screaming.
This fear is my love. This terror is my love. It’s all love, beloved. It’s all love. I’m not afraid to feel this love. So don’t be scared of me, with me.
I have been fighting and swimming against the ebb and flow of life far more frequently -- and in more subtle, ridiculous and damaging ways -- than I had realized.
Great growth and transformation is available within each fertility cycle, just as we see with the seasons and greater cycles and circadian rhythms of life.
In this case, Yes to more pictures and more attention meant saying No to cherishing and protecting my body and being seen as more than just curved hips and a small waist. It meant saying Yes to the desires of a stranger and saying No to practicing my own ability to decide the terms in which I ...