As I began to acknowledge my inner children, see them, hear them and love them, their unmet needs became easier to recognize and they began reaching out to me in healthier, less destructive ways.
I hope that we will meet again under better circumstances, when the light of love has filled us both, when we can transcend the misery we created when neither of us knew any better.
People talk about unconditional love and aspire to give and receive it. But, like almost any other concept on a religious or spiritual path, it can be misunderstood or used to make one feel bad about him/herself.
What can we do when we mess-ups make a mess? No doubt we make messes together, but often we clean it up or live with them alone. Regret is sheer foolishness, but not all hope is lost.
Adults take an average of 16 breaths per minute. That's 960 breaths an hour. That's 23,040 breaths a day. What if we made just one of those breaths count?
On days when I choose to believe, I tell myself staying open is the only way for the forces at work to show and tell us things, things we need to have and hear when someone is no longer with us.
If you keep choosing men who need a Mommy instead of a Wife, and who are more like a project than relationship material, it is because you yourself are still a work in progress. And, instead of working on yourself, you choose to work on your man, and then move on to the next one once the ...