Rebelle Society

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you & me

you & me

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life.

So if someone comes to you battling anxiety, please don't turn them away. Educate yourself, and help them in any way you can. You would be surprised to learn that simply listening, talking through it, and physically being there for them makes all the difference in the world. Be the rock that  ...

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you & me

We Are All Alone.

Recently, I have personally come to know several single mothers. I hold great reverence for each of them, as I cannot imagine being solely responsible for the upbringing of another human. Yet they have done so, beautifully. Every time I hear another one of these ladies’ stories, I stand in awe  ...

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you & me

Mother’s Day For The Motherless.

Today I bow with deep heart-spilling-over thanks to my sisters who mother me. The women, who -- like me -- have no mamas to turn to. The women who hold me up when I need to be held, who listen completely when I need to be witnessed... the women who know how to nurture this motherless mother,  ...

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you & me

Dear Mummsy: An Open Letter.

I love that even though you are a fiercely independent, anti-establishment, let’s face it... feminist (of course, you wouldn’t call yourself this because it would mean conforming to a social cliché), you also bake awesome scones, knit socks, sew frocks, grow your own veggies, and have a pantry  ...

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