Rebelle Society


Her Spirit Runs Wild. {poetry}

There is no time to wish upon shooting stars For he loves me, he loves me not She plucks each and every petal with no worry of the thorns She would rather bleed and lick her paw than cower from danger Her spirit, once shackled, now runs wild She is feral and untamed

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Step Into the Freedom of Becoming Storyless.

The mind will panic and shout stories about who you are and why. It will demand that you identify yourself using words. It’s an adjustment, losing the fixation on the psychology behind yourself, and it feels like intentionally going blind, but you will discover how much more you can actually  ...

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Woman, Know Thyself.

Look inward and ask, Do I want to be the other half when I can be whole accompanied by another whole which makes for two strong circles of support? Do I need to argue the Yes baby, No baby, Maybe baby debate? If I don’t do what’s expected, will my family and friends still accept me? That’s a  ...

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Bohemian Horoscopes: August 2016.

Expect a fabulously frantic month, as the Sun, Moon and Venus all visit your sign, and Mars moves into your entertainment zone. So smile brightly, flutter your eyelashes (or flex your pecs) and go after what (or who) you want in the most charming way. You’re also in the mood for lashings of Leo  ...

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Hey Baby, What’s Your Zodiac Sign?

I realize that we all have characteristics going beyond what it means to be born on a certain day. But when you add one’s place of birth, and time of birth, their true self is revealed, uncovering information that is specific. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the birth records of everyone  ...

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you & me

We Truly Understand with Love.

We can read so many books, and quote so many wise words from other people, but we can only truly understand if the words resonate with our own heart. If we have looked at ourselves and our experiences with love and compassion. And when we’ve forgiven ourselves for taking a wrong turn. And  ...

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Berning in Philly: Thank You, Senator Sanders.

Without a doubt, I believe Bernie Sanders would have been one of the greatest Presidents that ever lived. I am scared of what awaits this country. Bernie has changed me -- made me feel more alive, and infinitely more awake. He will continue as the most beloved, trusted and popular Senator in  ...

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Fight the Feminist Stereotype. {poetry}

When people think of the stereotypical feminist, their thoughts seem to turn to a beast of a woman. She is impolite and unshaven. In fact, she is unkempt in all ways. Since she thinks the world hates her, she hates men -- the sex that put her in her place. Yes, this is extreme, but after  ...

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