Rebelle Society


Even Rebels And Revolutionaries Need Routine.

Let’s revolutionize the routine. Let’s creatively and rebelliously fashion a transcontinental, transportable, convertible routine. Let us devote ourselves to finding fortitude amidst the flight-fatigue, harmony inside the hustle, clarity among the commotion and rest in the middle of this  ...

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you & me

The Tragedy Of Being Cool.

Girls, what if instead of limiting yourself to being pretty, well-dressed, sexy, or skinny, you could simply be genuinely loving, kind and compassionate? Boys, what if instead of limiting yourself to being macho, rich, or popular, you could simply allow yourself to be open, genuine, and maybe  ...

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When Something Is Good, It’s Never Gone.

The major component of my psyche is 'recall', and I urge you to tap into this as well. Who made you the person you are today? How did you get to where you are today? Why are you at this place today? And what you do from this point onward has all to do with these remembrances.

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Hot And Bothered By Passion.

In my dance of stillness, I discovered many layers of unprocessed grief. I lovingly held and witnessed myself while traversing through every single one of them. As I fed these layers of grief to the fire of transformation, I began to notice more spaciousness within me. In this spaciousness, it  ...

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you & me

Sometimes We Have To Say Goodbye.

I am the music heard between the edges of wind and sea. I will speak and follow my deepest felt justices. My heart is an activist for voices unheard and unseen. I walk with the hurt and see into the dark. I listen and feel the stories untold. I am the dreams wrapped around my mug.

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