Rebelle Society


I Have A Body, And It Is Damn Good.

The girl who at age 16 let her body be used by the youth pastor of her church, praying it was love, like he promised. Then when the ruse was up, she desperately tried to hide away the thing that drew him to her, her youthful gorgeousness, by eating tons of junk.

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you & me

A New Year’s Manifesto To Kickstart The New You.

This year, I choose to prioritize myself. Healthy helpful habits? Check -- but with a stronger mindset, one that accepts and accelerates towards truths that grow my soul, so I can show that in 2016, I am a battle cry, a stubborn light, a whispered riot ready to transform words and wonder into a  ...

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The End… Of The Beginning.

And when I had expelled all of my prejudices, my disdain and my failures, I then sat up and heaved forth every needle pinch to skin and each bleed of my heart. When I opened my mouth, with head held back, as that of a woman, crazed, I wailed and then let out my breath and fell back, destroyed.

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you & me

Surviving With A Broken Heart.

Take the opportunity to face some unpleasant truths that will ultimately help you heal. Maybe, like me, you notice that your devotion to the love for this person was covering up some of your own unresolved issues? You notice that in spite of having 500 Facebook friends and radiating smiles  ...

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Excavating And Exorcising: To Find Yourself.

People hold a mirror to the self like nothing else can, I think. I found things I wanted to change because I wanted to change them in others. I found brutal honesty hurt me in the moment but was necessary in the long run. Lately I’ve tried not to sugarcoat my thoughts too much. People-pleasing  ...

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We Chose Love: Making Peace With My Father.

I can clearly point to a feeling of heightened emotional intelligence for having the courage to rebuild a relationship with my father. I do love him, all of him. Do I still see and feel the angry person of his youth? At times, yes. Do I love him any less for it? No.

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My Body Is Awesome, And So Is Yours.

Politicians and the like will try to legislate and regulate your body. They will debate your reproductive rights and create laws to govern your uterus and your ovaries. Last year alone, politicians tried to regulate women's bodies 468 times. Do you want to know how many times they tried to  ...

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