Rebelle Society


Submerged: Let Yourself Feel Deeply.

There is no definitive timeline. Love is timeless and never-ending, and so are the remains of friendships and love. It is truly the only thing that remains from our lives, our connections and how we impacted people. It is never a grand definition of character but all the small moments that remain.

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Being Human Is My Greatest Challenge.

Photo: Vintage 1950s I have been struggling with who I am. I have been stuck in my thoughts about what to do in my life, how to implement what I want, how to be successful in my career, and how to be the best me in a relationship. I have put myself in the container of my mind and head thinking  ...

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you & me

The Lioness & The Child.

There have been conversations, there has been sex, there have been scattered, half-hearted chases, but there has never been love, there has never been meaning, there has never been trust, and there has never, ever been rest. How I long for rest.

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Finding My True Spiritual Path.

Today I find myself accepting that I know what I believe and I hold that faith in in my heart and soul. I also know that I do not need to worship God and the divine presence in my life within the confines of a church, with others or within an organized religion.

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