True boundaries don't actually feel like a 'No'... with heart closed and walls up... they feel more like an 'I love you, and I'm not available for that'.
How can 'selfish' ever equate to being child-free? The blessed parents who handle their offsprings’ problems will be grateful for your times of assistance.
Few had come across the community in the eight years since the virus. That’s how limited the population was in the general area, and how remote the caves.
The Renaissance marked an age of discovery. That is what happens once you have awakened to your own divinity -- the Kingdom of Heaven that is within you.
We are wounded humans living in a world that not only perpetuates wounding but profits off it. Our culture is not literate in the language of the soul.
Encourage him to open his heart to beauty, both physical and inner. Remind him of grace, peace and kindness. Show him humility and remind him to play often.