I reached my threshold of silent witnessing. I could feel my voice open up. Instinctively came my roaring defender and protector, saying: Fuck you for not acting with integrity. Fuck you for not taking responsibility. Fuck you for hurting me. Fuck you for manipulating me. Fuck you for not being ...
Part of the problem is that many of us associate adulthood with the misery and bitterness we’ve seen in those who did the right thing, by going to a job that made them sick and cynical, so they could have enough money to raise a family they couldn’t really spend time with, so they could put ...
I get it why it’s so sad and horrible to lose your parent as an adult. It’s because they were there to experience it all. Your parent, the person who has known you the longest, was there for every milestone you ever had. Sometimes in life one fully doesn’t grasp something until one experiences ...
Most unproductive or unhealthy behaviors are the result of slow, gradual choices that add up to bad habits. A wasted morning here. An unproductive morning there. The good news is that exceptional results are also the result of consistent daily choices.
I still feel 17, so who is this adult you speak of, this adult you expect me to be? I don't remember signing up for this. I have no idea who I am or what I think anymore, and I'm tired of being weighed down by thoughts that aren't my own. They are the thoughts society has berated us with all ...