Rebelle Society

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Seeking Equine Alchemy: Healing Horse Medicine.

Horses have been instrumental, possibly the most influential animals, in human progress in the past centuries. The horses provided transportation, they sacrificed in so many ways, including on the battlefield and the farm field. They have amazing stamina. They have carried us on their backs and  ...

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The Art of Waiting: Finding Meaning in the Meantime.

Waiting forces us into our own inner gallery, into a viewing of the styles, qualities, and contents of our own consciousness. That is why we so often try to avoid waiting, because facing the mosaic of our own minds can be disturbing, and depressing. It’s difficult to look directly at our  ...

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The End… Of The Beginning.

And when I had expelled all of my prejudices, my disdain and my failures, I then sat up and heaved forth every needle pinch to skin and each bleed of my heart. When I opened my mouth, with head held back, as that of a woman, crazed, I wailed and then let out my breath and fell back, destroyed.

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Resistance, Surrender & Perfect Alchemy.

Even now, when I’m broke, stuck, depressed, I still manage to hold my head up high, thoroughly maintaining my hard-earned level of resistance. This dark pervert part in me has the lead, still. It is crazy, mad, irresponsible, but so fucking strong and powerful; it’s holding the reins of my life  ...

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