Rebelle Society

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The Discord of Dancing with Not-Enoughness.

Moving with wind, swaying with breeze, I gazed up at skies and trees. I danced. I danced my feet into the earth. My base claimed my space. My hips held me as I freed my heart and danced in the art of my garden. Birds’ songs danced along with my song as I whistled and worked in my garden. I  ...

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Celebrate You. {poetry}

Celebrate you. Not just the achievements. Nor merely the survivals. But the calm and the mundane as well. For it is the canvas holding you the space upon which you are (being) painted.

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10 Ways To Awaken Your Aliveness.

Spirituality, to me, is different from being religious, as I see it as my direct relationship with a supreme being -- the source of all life. I understand the inherent worth of all religions and accept many of their wonderful teachings, but I’m not tied down to any of their dogma.

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you & me

Take Off Your Mask And Show Me Your Soul.

The masks may have been a coping mechanism, to help shield you from a confusing world, but ultimately they are a cage. They are there to corral that spark of exuberant life that just doesn’t quite meet society’s standards of acceptable. They separate you from the aliveness inherent in your own soul.

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The Hunger For Aliveness.

One day, Lady Darkness will have a gift for you, as long as you entertain her in your boudoir and allow her to be your lady in waiting. In her you will find strength, grounding, creativity, death, connection, love, and awareness.

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