The moment you see something with your own eyes and feel injustice with all your senses, you cross an inner border, you know you can’t go back from there.
Moving the body in a gym workout can help. Emotions are stored in the body, and when we tire ourselves out enough, there is less resistance to feeling them.
As I approach my 10-year high school reunion, I ruminate on the glory and derision I have for small towns. Small minds and how we cage ourselves up, unaware of all we have before us if only we ventured beyond our borders. How getting to fully know ourselves and our place amidst the vastness of ...
My worth is determined by me. Society does not get to define my beauty... I love everything this body does for me, oftentimes without my conscious effort.
I know how I have cried, and cursed this body. I know how, when I got my period for the first time, I shut myself in a room and cried, saying "I hate this!"