We recognize that the children in cages are our children. The desperate, terrified mothers, the humiliated fathers, are our family. And we are outraged.
Never again will we entertain this tyranny
that wears a thousand divisive masks
but is always a scared and greed-scarred child-man
hiding behind a curtain.
I noticed an effervescent undercurrent that accompanied my panic and first trimester symptoms: a quiet, stabilizing joy. This has continued to expand within me throughout my pregnancy, outpacing even the growth of my belly, like a protective aura.
Though sometimes I dream about ditching all digital devices to live a life in the mountains, I like what technology creates in my life, and I'm not at all suggesting we go back to living like our ancestors did in the stone-age… so I would like to create a peaceful and balanced relationship ...
A deeper cut reveals a culture of psychopathy: a party sickened by its hatred, misogyny and xenophobia; grown too accustomed to deceit; blaming others for its missteps; compromised by a paralysis of ideas; resorting to character assassination and abject humiliation of perceived enemies; ...