Opening my heart meant welcoming my ex-husband and his partner completely into family celebrations that I had previously shared with my children on my own.
As I began to acknowledge my inner children, see them, hear them and love them, their unmet needs became easier to recognize and they began reaching out to me in healthier, less destructive ways.
I discovered the joy of swearing at an early age, despite (or maybe because of) parents who seldom swore and strongly discouraged their three daughters from doing so.
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~ Stacia Tauscher So often you hear people talking how important it is to teach the young. Well, how about allowing the children to teach us? Are they not wise, filled with love and ...
We are the mothers of every single un-housed soul in the Middle East, floating on less-than-seaworthy vessels towards a new frontier. May they find welcome, may they find shelter, and may they find work. May we each be the welcome they seek. We are the mothers of children who will live with the ...
With my newfound perspective, and remembrance of how lonely and desolate life can be without our love, we bribe the kids with cups of tea and cartoons, and submerge ourselves in our love renewed. As it always will be. As it always has to be. As I will ever keep it. Untattered. Unbroken. Buoyed ...
The prevailing messages in most parenting books and articles are to discipline children as a united front, and not give them an opening to split and triangulate you. But what if they are acting up -- and they often are -- because they are tuning into your stuck energy and unresolved wounds? ...