Rebelle Society

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Vulnerability: The Hallmark of Living Bravely.

Are you getting married because you’re getting older and you don’t want to be alone, or because you’ve found someone whom you truly love, whom you feel worthy and deserving of? When we make choices based on fear, we lose ourselves and end up living lives that aren’t our own.

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you & me

The Price of Pleasing.

The price they pay for your pleasing is their freedom. The freedom to have their own experiences, their own feelings and emotions that may have nothing to do with you. The price you pay for your pleasing is your truth.

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Authenticity: Inhabiting Wildly Tender Revolution.

Congruent authenticity happens in the guts and bowels of your life. Being authentic is the grunt-work of the soul, of any deeply human, spiritual path. Being half here, half there, halfhearted, faking it to look good, strategizing to make things easier for your self — that’s the common way of  ...

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Are You Choosing Love in a Cruel World?

Have you had enough? Are you ready for change? What is it going to take for you to choose differently? What is it going to take for you to choose love? Many do not believe that love is a choice. Rather, they simply hope or pray that somehow love will come save them and others from this pain.  ...

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you & me

We Are All Alone.

Recently, I have personally come to know several single mothers. I hold great reverence for each of them, as I cannot imagine being solely responsible for the upbringing of another human. Yet they have done so, beautifully. Every time I hear another one of these ladies’ stories, I stand in awe  ...

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