Rebelle Society

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I Am Speaking For Myself.

What I once thought to be true, I may learn to be distorted. The clarity I seek will need to make sense to my own soul, my own earthly existence. Though I may listen to different teachings, I will not be bound by any one belief. I will take what I need.

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you & me

5 Ways Of An Empowered Woman.

An empowered woman acknowledges that her body is her own. No government or social and cultural conditioning could ever tamper down her sexual appetite. No matter what shape or size her body, she flaunts and peacocks her physical form -- finding pride in the skin she is in. She not only  ...

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Eye To Eye, Mirror To Mirror, Soul To Soul.

Focus teaches us to let go and is the gravitational force that propels us forward, even when we don’t know where forward exactly is. This is commonly referred to as stepping out on faith. What is behind these all too familiar words that are so easy to proclaim and yet so difficult to master?

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