Is the claiming of modern identities killing our true identities? Are people confused by the lure of these images that place them in a favorable light?
The invitation is open for men to be aware of the nature of their own humanity... If you want a Conscious Man, I say, find a man who is willing to grow.
You have the power in the Aquarian Age to initiate change in yourself first. A perspective shift. A thinking change. And then a deep, deep inner healing.
"I’m ugly, fat, old. I’m not successful. I’m smart. I’m stupid. I’m special." I'm sending these thoughts back to the patriarchy with no return address.
We are a society programmed by conditioning. Our lives are one big Pavlov’s dog experiment. When I lose weight, I will love myself. When I get the job I want, I will feel self-worth. When I fall in love, I will feel happy. And last but not least, if I shame someone else, I will somehow feel ...
We know that the way we react to everything is powerful, and as we stand on our Yoga mats transforming our conditioning and bringing down more love and light, how much deeper is that if we know that head to toe we are representing this aligned loving action through what we wear.