Rebelle Society

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It’s Against My Religion to Accommodate Nazis.

A deeper cut reveals a culture of psychopathy: a party sickened by its hatred, misogyny and xenophobia; grown too accustomed to deceit; blaming others for its missteps; compromised by a paralysis of ideas; resorting to character assassination and abject humiliation of perceived enemies;  ...

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A Visit with Vulnerability.

Speaking from my own experience, and more specifically, my experience on this unusual day, I am beginning to recognize that there has been an all-out war going on inside me from an early age. This silent battle was waged by my ego against the deep wisdom embedded in my core, which knows  ...

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you & me

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay.

You don’t have to hold it all together, even if you’re usually the strong one. You need to let go of trying to do that more than anyone. Try it out, even a little at a time, and notice that you’re still safe and you’re still loved when you fall apart.

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The Power-Hungry Games: What Is Your Cause?

What makes your heart feel full and warm, and what acts of kindness and service support you to feel alive and at ease in your solar plexus or core? And at the root of passionate service exists a stable human being. How are you taking care of yourself? Can you integrate nourishing self-care  ...

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The Art Of Contentment And Relinquishing Control.

That little voice that repeats every negative thing anyone has ever said about us over and over again? Tell it to shut the fuck up. Have the inner knowledge and strength to say No More, to know that we all deserve better. We've all made mistakes, but we don't have to live in them. Pain is  ...

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