Rebelle Society

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Beyond Courage (and Crests).

Without risks, we rewind the past and repeat the present while being absent to ourselves, our greatness at least. If we were present to this, we would seize courage and assault crests until we exceeded our best.

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Kali Yuga and the Dark Medicine of the New Moon.

When we willingly meet our shadow and offer it compassion, it no longer has the power to cause harm, and instead becomes another part of the whole. The concept of oneness that we are taught through plant medicine, Yoga and other spiritual practices becomes embodied wisdom, sunk deep into our  ...

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Don’t Turn Away: The Initiation of America.

And that is the whole point of the initiatory process. It comes crashing into our lives to dismantle and reorganize the status quo when the situation has become unbalanced, unsustainable; when we have been living unconsciously, blind to even our own machinations. It forces us to look  ...

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you & me

Co-Creation and the Key to Making Space for Magic.

Magic happens when we reveal our true nature. When we drop the pretense, move through the ego fears, and get radically vulnerable and authentic, you create a space for magic to come in and Spirit to deliver what you want. It doesn’t work if you’re hiding behind a million masks of who you think  ...

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