Rebelle Society

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Today, I Just Want To Be Grateful.

I won't pretend I am particularly fond of the pain that seems necessary to continue evolving and healing. And depending on my mood at that moment, I might grumpily think "Yeah, right..." next time my ever-smiling Yoga teacher asks us to be filled with gratitude. But today I just want to be grateful

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What Sitting Still Taught Me About Movement.

I learned that I don't always need my passport or backpack to grow. Books have been the maps that lead the way, while writing has replaced the overnight bus rides and dodgy boat trips. Ideas are the cities and towns that I now explore with childlike curiosity, and they colorfully dot my route,  ...

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10 Ways To Awaken Your Aliveness.

Spirituality, to me, is different from being religious, as I see it as my direct relationship with a supreme being -- the source of all life. I understand the inherent worth of all religions and accept many of their wonderful teachings, but I’m not tied down to any of their dogma.

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you & me

Light Up Your Grieving Heart.

We are walking hand in hand, my little legs pumping to keep up with his. “How fast can you go? Show me how fast we can go.” He liked to walk fast; New Yorkers walk fast, they just do. I am counting cracks in the sidewalk and hopping over them just like the rhyme says to do. We make a right, and  ...

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3 Empowering Moves To Rebalance Your Work Life.

Solutions do not come while you stand over the proverbial watched pot giving yourself a poor man’s facial. Solutions come in the center of a deep guttural laugh. Solutions come from the fresh ideas of inquisitive children. The best ideas are born in the moments where you are your most relaxed,  ...

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What Is Initiation?

A woman’s intuition matures when her deepest relationships are severed through death, making the only viable communication through her spiritual connection fueled by her love.

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My Declaration Of Creativity And Love.

Do we dare to let our hungers dry up and be contented with who we are, with what we have? Do we dare to start feeling good, Divine, exactly where we are right now? Or do we make up conditions on how it’s supposed to look or feel or what enough-ness and creativity is for us?

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