The moment you see something with your own eyes and feel injustice with all your senses, you cross an inner border, you know you can’t go back from there.
If you are a student, apprentice, client or follower of a shamanic teacher or healer, and your teacher, healer, or shaman shows even a propensity to cross your or another's sexual or sexual-emotional boundaries, meaning, he is oddly charming with you to the point you feel inflated, special or ...
When I was a teenager, just starting to question, there was a horrific crime committed in my hometown where two brothers broke into the house of a gay couple and murdered them while they slept in their bed. I believed then that it would never be safe for me to be out. As a teenager, I expected ...
Similar to disastrous situations in other parts of the world, lots of money was poured into the Balkans after the war, and the hope for recovery was high. Now, donors have lost their interest; still-existing issues are no longer reported, the economy has stagnated, and corruption is rampant. ...