Rebelle Society

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Unraveling Darkness: Ode to an Inconstant Moon.

We cannot meet the Sacred Masculine when we are carrying around the untended energies of rage of our own unhealthy masculine energies which cause us to reject the other side, the female side of ourselves. We cannot perceive the depth of the Sacred Feminine while strangled by unspoken anger  ...

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you & me

Don’t Hold Back from Deeply Falling in Love.

I don't know about you, but I fall in love all the time. I fell in love the other day with a piece of handcrafted chocolate and a cup of coffee, the praises and sounds coming from within me, and the time I took to savor and enjoy, surely was just another kind of lovemaking. It was the most  ...

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The Hardest Law There Is.

The Universal Law of Reflection is the most powerful experience and insight there is. It has a healing and destroying power. But if it heals us, it means we're stronger than we ever have been. And if it destroys, then it means we have another lesson to learn. Either way, it's great, because  ...

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you & me

A Holler From The Heart In 2016.

No more of how to do, become, or get happier in 2016. No more of let go of or incorporate this or that. I’m into the minimalist concept that is everything there ever was: self-love. I guess it is my list of one. May we indulge in it and saturate ourselves.

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